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Sam Pov

I wake up in a hospital bed and i cant remember anything that happened before until the nurse asks me a question

"How are ya feeling?" said the nurse

"What happened?"

"You dont remeber? well anyways my name is pika and you were stabbed last night"

"WHERES COLBY???" I shout anxiously

"Mr. Brock is in the other room" said Pika, I felt a bit relieved

"is he okay?" I asked hoping for some good news

"he is very lucky he didn't hit the center of his brain, he has some memory loss, we cannot tell if its permanent or temporary memory loss" tears filled up into my eyes, I spat out these words while choking on my breath

"W-will he R-remember M-me?"

"That I cant depend on, there is a 50/50 percent chance he may"

"When can I see H-him?"

"You are supposed to be discharge tomorrow morning at 9 am, you may see him at that time, but you have visitors if you would like them"

"Who?" I wanted to see who decided to care enough to visit me

"Elton Catsee, Aaron Doh and Brennen Taylor" Brennen Taylor huh? Ha no

"Elton and Aaron may see me but no Brennen"

"But Brennen insist-" 

"I SAID NO!" I shouted at Pika, I didn't mean it that harsh, I decided to apologize

"I'm sorry Pika, I didn't mean to shout" I say apologetically

"It's okay, don't worry many patients shout as me, and they harsher stuff than you" I see tears fill in her eyes,

"I'm sorry Pika , I feel so bad that, that happens to you"

"It's okay Samuel"

"Please call me Sam" she nods

"Ill go get Elton and Aaron for you" I nod and she begins to leave the room I wait about 5 minutes for Elton and Aaron to come in,  they look like the haven't slept in days

"Are you guys okay?"

"we don't matter the question is are you okay?"


"Why did you go after Brennen?" Aaron asked

"To see that idiots problem"

"Sam-" Elton begins but I cut him off

"Please understand me, I care for Colby a lot and when I noticed he was stabbed, I wasn't thinking right and I went after Brennen, I know I was an idiot for doing that but at least I learned why Brennen stabbed Colby"

"I mean yeah you were kinda dumb for doing that but at least we can charge Brennen for attempted murder" Elton says to me, I nod because that was one of the reasons I went after Brennen, We kept on talking for about an hour until visiting time was over, we said our goodbye and then after that, I was alone, in this white room, slowly drifting to sleep, my last thought was... Don't die on me...

Cuts...//Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now