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Colby POV
I woke up to the buzzing of my phone, i check the time 12:54 Am, i then check the notification:
Instagram from samgolbach
i put my phone back on my drawer and i try to fall asleep, but 5 minutes later i hear something hit the wall in sams room, i didnt hear yelling so it couldnt be a fight, but im too lazy and comfy to get up and check what that was, instead i try and fall alseep but i cant and im not sure why, i groaned, all i wanted to do is sleep but no, God doesnt want me to sleep, i get out of the bed and i open my drawer, i grab the sleeping pills, i shake the bottle, silence, great im out of sleeping pill, once again i groaned, i decided to go and take a bath cause i am cold, im debating whether i should grab my blades or leave them, i decided to leave them because ive done enough pain to everyone, i head to the washroom with my new clean clothes and my towel, i start the hot water and get in, my scars stung because they are still sensitive, i sit in the water for about 5 minutes, just zoning out when i hear a knock on the door,

"Yes" i ask

"Colby?" i imediatley recognized Sam's voice


"What are you doing?"

"Taking a bath, why?"

"Just wondering"


"Wait Colby?"

"Yes" i say, a little irritated

"Do you have any blades with you"


"Are you telling the truth?"

"Would you like to come check"

"Ummmm O-okay" i get out of the bathub and put my towel around me and i go and unlock the door, when i open the door i see Sam's red face, i let him look around until he sees i have none, i let him out and i once again relock the door, i get back in the bathub and wash myself, after im finished i get out and get my nice warm clean clothes on, i head back to my room, my hair still dripping, i blowdry my hair to make it look sexy as hell, after im finished i check the time, 2:34 am, i lie on my bed, with my phone in one hand, and bandages in the other, i put the bandages on and i open up my instagram, i see Sam's new photo and i see the comments... shit how do they know? i shut off my phone so i wouldnt get anymore notifications, i close my eyes and i am being shaken awake by Sam


"Get up sleepy head its 2:56 pm"

"B-but i couldve sworn i just closed my eyes?"

"Well i guess that bath mustve really kicked you out cold" he chuckles

"Okay okay, whats planned today?"

"Nothing much, why?"

"I need to go to the store"

"For what? Tampons?" he says smirking

"Shut up, i need more sleeping pills"


"Nevermind then ill get them later"

"Okay Colby"

"im tired let me sleeeeeep"

"Fine, but you owe me" he says winking at me

"RAPEEEEE" I say and we both fall onto my bed, laughing hardly, after our laugh attack, Sam leaves my room and i try to sleep, but i begin to hear somwthing come out of my closet i open my eyes to see brennen watching over me,


"This is what you get for replacing me with that piece of shit Sam" he says as he covers my mouth with some cloth that has a chemical which makes me sleepy, he then stabs me in to stomach with a very sharp knife and begins to slowly pull the knife side to side, i cant scream because hes cover my mouth, i begin to start coughing up blood and its getting all over that cloth, he then jumps out my window and leaves me here to die...

Cuts...//Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now