~Chapter 7~

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   I went down for breakfast this morning and the food was all cooked and my plate was ready and set out for me. I picked up my plate and headed back for the stairs but i stopped and stepped back after noticing the occurrence in the living room. On the couch set my mom, dad, and brother staring blankly at a static filled television. I look to the clock and see its 845. "Apa aren't you late for work?" He looks up to me and then to the clock. "Right thanks mijo for reminding me." He pulls on his jacket and grabs his keys and then is gone. I stare at my mom and brother who are still staring blankly at the television. I grab the remote switching the television off. "Ama you're going to be late for Luis' soccer game." "OH! honey he's right lets go mijo grab you ball" she turns to me and kisses my cheek. "Eat you're breakfast and have a good day mijo. Oh and call abuelita and tell her your father will go for her after work." I give her nod as I shove a bite of eggs in my mouth. It's strange none of them mentioned the television. I head back to my room seeing as I can't do much else. 

March 6 2016

This whole morning was weird, just as weird as school; which they haven't let us go back to by the way. My family was all staring at the static covered television and once interrupted returned back to a normal state. None of them said anything about it though once back to a normal state. I have a feeling Mania is here and shes weaving her way through our town. This is only the beginning. This from all the cases are happening and I'm terrified but I'm going to try to find a way to stop her, I'm going to find the cult. ~

  I shave my plate to the side and begin researching the cult. Very few articles pop up but one catches my attention. I click on the link and it shows me a file with a date, time, number, and location. 

12-19-1943, 17:22, #722318, Xenia Ohio police station

  Great how exactly do I get a gun that locked up in evidence at a police station in the next town over. I have to try though so I pack my back pack and throw on a jacket. I find the keys to my mothers car and Xenia police station here I come. It takes 50 minutes but I arrive at the Xenia station. It's too risky to go in now i'd for sure get caught. I park and keep watch waiting for the front door guards men to leave. Two hours go by and still the guardsmen has not moved. I check the clock to find it's 1630. Ah I forgot to call abuelita. I quickly dial her number "Bueno abuelita. Apa irá por ti a las 530." "Si te amo adios abuelita." I drop the phone and turn my attention back to the front door. Another 2 hours pass and finally the guard leaves. I get out of the car and swiftly make my way inside. I follow a long hall looking for the evidence room. I hear voice and quickly make my way into a room closing the door quietly. "Yeah just finished up with the evidence for today and am heading home." The voice fades and I step back out. I rush down the hall and run into the evidence room. I search violently for about 20 minutes before finding it. I grab the towel from my backpack and wrap it up. I quickly make my way out of of the building and back to the car. I can't believe I just stole evidence from a police station I need to hurry up and leave. Once back home my mother asks me to join them for dinner. I agree to it since abuelita is here. Dinner was actually normal not like breakfast has been, but abuelita is spending the night and who's to say what else will happen. 

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