~Chapter 8~

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I awaken to a loud bang. I quickly sit up right in my bed. What the hell was that. I go to get out of the bed but I'm stuck and can't move. I pull the blanket off of me in a panic to find her claws wrapped around my legs. She slowly begins to pull me off the bed and with one swift pull she rips me out of bed. I expect to hit the ground but instead I've entered a completely black space and am floating in air. Her face appears from the shadows with blood dripping from her pointed teeth. She stares deep into my soul with her black eyes and slowly begins to move closer and closer. "What do you want from me!?" I scream out. She lets out a demonic laugh without moving her mouth. She drags her claw across my stomach causing me to double over in pain. "Oh Alvaro you know what I want" "I don't" I say clenching my stomach that is now dripping blood. "You do, I've shown you, you've drawn it." I look into her wretched eyes and see they've begun dripping blood. "I don't know what you're talking about" I say as I continue to watch the blood drip. "YOU DO!" Her voice booms louder than ever and the sound of glass begins shattering around me. I cover my face as the glass begins flying. "Alvaro, Alvaro, ALVARO!" I shot out of bed in a panic. My brother standing in front of me. It was a dream but it was so real. "ALVARO!" "Mande Luis" I say as I begin to settle. "I came to tell you to come for breakfast but um you're bleeding." He points to my stomach and I look down. A line of blood soaked through my shirt. "I'll be down after I shower." I push him out of the room shutting the door behind me. I quickly pull off my shirt to find a giant cut across my stomach. It was a dream though right. Right? I quickly shower and change as millions of thoughts race through my head. Once dressed I immediately grab my journal. 

March 7

I had a dream and she came to me again she told me I knew what she wanted. She pulled me from my bed and cut me across my stomach. She said I drew what she wanted. And when I told her I didn't her voice boomed over me and then glass begin to shatter and then I woke up. What does she mean by I drew it. She said she's shown me, but what exactly does she want me to see. Why is this happening to me.~

 "ALVARO!" "MANDE ABUELITA?" "VEN A COMER" "YA VOY!" I make my way to the kitchen and join them for breakfast. The morning goes normal Mom goes for work, dad goes for work, and abuelita take Luis to his soccer practice. In my room I go through my drawing trying to find what she meant by shes's shown me, but the only things I've drawn are pictures of her. I begin to get frustrated and shift my attention the books trying to find ways to kill her. I know I use the cult but if she only comes in my dreams then how can I kill her. I get to thinking and it hits me. She's part demon she must have a summoning spell. I go deeper into the books and that's when I find it a spell. It seems simple enough. As I read on it says to paint a pentagram on the ceiling and then to make a circle of holy water and once shes in it and under the sign to light the circle with fire. I guess I'm going to have to make a few stops before i can get to her. 

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