7: 'hunt', 'battle'

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*tink* the lift reached its level.

Ken: rin.

Rin: kaneki-kun.

Touka: don't be afraid I'm here for you.

Kisa: yo.

Ken: ahhhh!!! Phew. Don't do that yunagi-chan.

Kisa: kisa. Kisa is fine.

Touka: what do you want her to do?

Kisa: nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just follow me.

They took the lift to the lowest floor.

Kisa: oh. Forgot to lend you this. Lend. You have to return it. It's not mine.

Rin held onto the katana.

Rin pov:

It...was light. The hilt was normal but the blade had a weird shape to it. I mean it looked like a katana. But it was red colour with a little blue glow. It looked... flexible and soft. While the tip was made of a metal wrapped around it.

Rin: you sure?

Kisa: don't die. The moment you step in here , the 'hunt' begins.kehehe.

Ken pov:

The blood of smell fills the level. Killings must be imminent here. 

' aaahhhh!!!!' The scream was near.  I ran towards where the sound was coming from. There . The ghoul was using his kagun grabbing thr human at his neck. 'Help...' he pleaded.

Rin trembled. She grabbed tight onto touka.

Rin: save... him.

Ken: stop!!!

*stab* and the man died.

'Huh???' The ghoul spoke.

He... just killed the man. Just for the sake of money. Or... was it for food? Its... its horrible.  Wasn't this place supposed to be a paradise?

I grabbed onto kisa's collar 'why? Why?!!! Why didn't you save him?!!

'Ooi. See ya. ' and the ghoul jumped and disappeared.

Kisa:I warned him before. To never step in here again. I saved him once, I won't do it again.

Ken:but... but...

Kisa: *Interrupt* he's a human? I said before. Humans and ghouls allowed. Don't think humans get special privileges here. This ain't their world. This is.... Both human and ghouls world.

Rin: than... papa... also is involve in this?

Kisa: your papa is strong. So was your mama. Until your mama died that is.

Rin: papa....


Kisa: and.... yokoso. To the battle stadium.

There is one central stage in a shape of a rectangle. About 50 feet high above are where the audiences seat within glass boxes. Of course, if you drop down by accident,  its totally your fault and buisness.

The arena was in a shape of a vase looking from the outside. The bottom smaller that the top. Like a glass cup.

Ken: where's rin's father?

Kisa: eh... its not his turn yet. There, the board says the schedule.

Rin: I want to see papa.

Kisa: not now. The game has already started. Only when the game end than can you go visit.

Rin: oh.

Kisa: the rules of this game. Solo or group fight is fine. Solo vs group, solo vs solo,group vs group is all fine.

Ken: Solo vs group? Isn't that unfair?

Kisa: well... its like that. You win,you climb the ranks of this game. Money for every rank won. If you get in above  20 places,  you get a lump sum of money every month. You lose,you drop a rank. Of course,the higher the rank the more money.

Ken :all of these... all for money?

Kisa: for most people. Yes. Well this is my question. Will you play? Touka?

Touka: why would I? Its crazy.

Kisa: you want me to win this for you and help your papa? Fine. But you don't have the money to pay me for the job.

Touka: I'll just owe you a favor.

Kisa: that's for me to call. Not you.


Kisa: get touka to play. She helps your father wins, your father gains a rank, he is safe. And let me remind you, your papa is in 99th place. He lose one more time, he drops to 100 and he surely dies. 100th rank is the death rank. You drop there, you die as penalty.

Rin tugs on touka's sleeve 'please... help me.  I know... I know it seemed like I abandoned you before when I didn't call you. But... but for our friendship. '

Touka: rin...

Kisa: ara. Isn't that yomo renji?

Ken: yomo-san. Honto da. 80th rank... yomo-san sure is strong.

Kisa: baka. Everyone starts at the 90th rank. He only moved 10 ranks. Not much.

Ken pov:

But why would yomo-san play the game? He needed money? Or was it for other reasons?

I don't like this place. Its like its built just to kill people. Using people's hope as a bait... and than kill them on this bloody arena.

I looked at yomo-san delivered the final kill to his opponent. A ghoul. He climbed a rank and got money as kisa said a winner would. This place... its disgusting.

Kisa: so?

Ken: kisa... play for rin. I will do anything. I will pay in installments. Please...

Kisa pov:

Why? Why a half ghoul like you care so much about them? I mean I care too.  But why are you so kind? I don't understand that. We are of the same kind. Are we not?

Touka: don't beg her. I will play.

Ken;  touka-chan...

Rin: touka...

Kisa:ja. Just smash these windows and go down. Once you go down, you automatically enter.

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