Chapter 10

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             Chapter 10
We walked into Remington's house the next day and saw him and Sebastian on the couch. They were of course playing video games. Why is that not surprising?

"We're pregnant!" Emerson yelled as soon as the door shut behind us.

"We're pregnant? I'm the one with the uterus." I said to Emerson and my voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"But seriously, Emerson you got Janie pregnant?" Remington asked and I smacked my forehead. "It was a combined effort." I stated and rolled my eyes.

"Congratulations guys." Sebastian said and I smiled that somebody has more than one brain cell. "Thank you Sebastian." I told him and he smiled at me. "Yeah, thank you." Emerson said after I did.


Once I rationalized I was about nine weeks I had made the doctor appointment. So today I was a day over nine weeks and it was the third week of August.

I had a nurse just take my blood pressure, temperate and weight and it was all good. Soon it was just me and Emerson in and I was sitting in the bed table thing.

Then the door opened and in weeks a middle aged woman. "You must be Janie Jackson. I'm doctor Christina Taylor." She said and put on rubber gloves. "I'm assuming you're the father?" Doctor Taylor asked Emerson. "Yes I am. I'm Emerson Barrett." Emerson introduced himself.

After aquianted she got some container out. "This will be a bit chilly." Doctor Taylor told me and I nodded my head. "Lift your shirt please." She said and opened the thing. I lifted the shirt to reveal my belly and she put some of the gel on my stomach. I shivered and Emerson laughed so I flipped him off.

Then after putting away the gel she grabbed the transducer. "Let's see this baby." Doctor Taylor said and moved the wand over my belly. That's when her eyes widened and looked at Emerson with a scared look on my face. But Emerson actually shared that same exact look.

"Oh would you two relax. It's nothing bad that I discovered" Doctor Taylor told us and I let out a relieved breath. "Oh thank god." I breathed out and Emerson grabbed my hand.

"Congrats Janie and Emerson, you two are having twins." Doctor Taylor said and I felt light headed. Next thing I knew, I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed and an IV was hooked into my left arm. I felt a weight on my right hand so I looked over to see Emerson holding my hand and resting his head on the bed.

"Emerson." I called but he didn't wake up. "Emerson." I said louder but he was still out. "Emerson!" I yelled and he lifted his head and gasped.

"What happened?" I asked and he scoffed. "You fainted when Doctor Taylor told us we're having twins. I caught you and they brought you up here to monitor you and get fluid in your system." Emerson explained and I nodded my head.

"You know you're about six and half weeks along."

"Less than I thought but it is twins."

"I texted Remy and Bastian. They're on their way here and we're pretty shocked when they heed it was twins." Emerson told me and right after he said that the door opened and in walked his brothers.

"Twins. Wow, Emerson you must have some damn old sperm." Remington said and I rolled my eyes. "Actually, it's my family's doing not yours." I told Remington and he looked really confused. "I forgot, my mom was a twin. It skips a generation in my family." I explained and Emerson glared at me.

"You didn't wanna tell me this before we had sex without a condom? Like how we ran out but trusted your birth control." Emerson said but he wasn't angry. He we just messing around. "Sorry! It's not like o see my family much anymore anyway." I went along with it and I was smiling.

Even though we were having twins, I was happy. Like I'm going to have two babies that are my and Emerson's kid.

•••fast forward to November 7•••

I was four months pregnant or really nineteen weeks so today we were gonna find out the genders of the babies. I was excited to know whether I was carrying two boys, two girls or a boy and a girl. Originally we weren't gonna find out the genders but we figured we don't want to buy all gender neutral stuff.

So we're watching Doctor Taylor move the transducer over my belly. Remington and Sebastian were also here and ready to find out whether they're getting nieces, nephews or a niece and nephew.

"And we're finding out the genders?" Doors Taylor asked wanting to make sure before she blurted it out. "Yes." Emerson and I answered at the same time.

"Well you have two beautiful baby girls. Congratulations." Doctor Taylor told us and my hands flew to my mouth. "Two girls equals lit af tea parties!" Emerson said excitedly and we laughed at his response.

"They're both very healthy and oh! Look at that. They're holding hands." Doctor Taylor said and I looked closest at the screen to try to see the picture clearer. They indeed were holding hands as they were in my belly. "Aww! That's so cute." Remington gushed and I smirked at how happy he was to be a soon to be uncle. "Hopefully our to my womb they'll be best friends still. It'll be easier on everyone." I said half joking and half serious.

Doctor Taylor cleaned my stomach off and we headed into Emersons car carrying pictures. I was still smiling and in disbelief still. My two perfect baby girls were growing inside my belly. This is so surreal.

A week later (sorry for all the time skips. Writing while she's pregnant is kinda boring for me) Emerson and I werw laying in bed and eating ice cream out of the container. I've been craving butter pecan ice cream lately so we're eating that right now.

We were also watching my favorite movie on Netflix: V For Vendetta. But that's when I felt a few bumps in my belly. I was really confused at first but then it hit me.

"Emerson they're kicking!" I yelled all of a sudden scaring my poor boyfriend. "Lemme feel." Emerson said and he placed his hand on my belly. Underneath his hand I soon felt a few more bumps. "This is so amazing." I squealed and Emerson was just smiling as he felt the kicks of our baby girls. "I love them so much." He said and I saw a few tears fall from his eyes. And Emerson doesn't ever really cry.

I grabbed the phone and Emerson put the ice cream away and our spoons in the sink. He came back and sat down next to me and crawled under the blankets.

I put the phone on speaker and soon I heard a hello from Remington. "Hey Remy! Let me get Sebastian on too." I told him and soon Sebastian also picked up. I then put it on speaker so Emerson could hear his brothers too.

"So the girls just kicked for the first time." I told them and they were both flipping out. "Oh my god Janie that's amazing. I can't wait until I feel them kick." Remington spoke and he seemed more excited than Emerson and I. Not really as were their parents but you get it.

"So have you got names for either of them?" Sebastian asked Emerson and I and we were silent. "No but we need to fo that." I answered for the both of us.

"Alice!" Emerson yelled and he scared me from the sudden outburst. "Marie could be her middle name." Remington suggested from the phone. "And our other girl could be... Fiona." I then said and Emerson smiled. "Fiona Jane." Sebastian suggested and of course Emerson and I loved it.

So now we have the girls' names picked out. Our first that's born will be Alice Marie. The baby that comes second will be Fiona Jane. Our beautiful baby girls will have such fancy names and I'm happy the four of us picked the names out. Well we all are going to be family one day when Emerson and I get married.

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