Chapter 11

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Today was the twenty second of November and it wasn't just any day- it was Emerson's twenty second birthday. We just finished eating breakfast and I led Emerson into the living room so he could open his presents.

"Babe open them." I told him and shoved the presents over to him.

Emerson opened them one by one and he seemed so happy. I got him a new sketch book, shading pencils and a bottle of Jack Daniels. He doesn't drink whiskey a lot because he won't buy it. However, if somebody else buys it for him then he'll drink that mother fucker.

"Thank you darling." Emerson said happily and he hugged me. "You're welcome love." I replied and he smiled at the nickname.

"You best appreciate that Jack Daniels though. The cashier almost didn't let me buy it." I told Emerson who laughed and I have him a fake glare. "It's true! He took one look at my giant belly and asked why I was buying whiskey." I told Emerson what happened when I went to the liquor store. "How'd you get it then?" Emerson asked me curiously. "I had to convince him my rockstar boyfriend was having a birthday. Then I showed him pictures of us and your band." I really did have to do all of what I said just to get the damn whiskey at the store.

Emerson laughed however thinking it was funny and maybe it kind of is. As long as it doesn't happen to you. But it happened to me and it sucked.

"Well look at you miss thing. Your belly is huuuge!" Emerson said jokingly but my jaw still dropped. "Did you just call me fat?!" I asked flipping out because you don't ever call a pregnant woman fat. "No I didn't. I called you pregnant and you are." Emerson said and I sighed and rolled my eyes at my boyfriend.

Soon Sebastian, Remington, Emma and Madi came Keva and we were eating pizza for lunch. We had just watched Emerson open their presents and he was really happy they did that for him.

"You're serious? You almost couldn't buy the whiskey?" Madi asked and I nodded before swallowing a bite of pizza. "He was like ma'am you know you're pregnant? Yes I know. You know alcohol hurts fetuses? It isn't for me. Jesus Christ he he gave me a headache so I had to prove it was for Emerson." I explained and we all laughed.

"It isn't his business anyway. If you're pregnant and wanna get fucked up, go ahead." Remington said and I laughed so hard I snorted which made me laugh harder.

"Emerson would kill me!" I exclaimed and my boyfriend nodded his head next to me. "These are his daughters, his baby girls. No way in hell would he let anything happen to them. If I did anything to harm them he would have a fit." I added and Emerson smirked that I knew him so well.

"I would have to help murder you too. Those are my nieces so if you hurt them we're gonna have some issues." Sebastian said and I smiled that was protective over the girls too. "Same actually. Alice and Fiona mean so much to me already and I don't want any harm to come to them." Remington added and it was so nice to have all three boys to be protective of the twins.

•••sorry for another skip•••

The next day it was thanksgiving and I was doing all the cooking but Emerson did help a bit. His brothers as their girlfriends were gonna come over me celebrate with us.

I made a ham, a turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce and green beans. Emerson helped a lot actually and he just set the table for the six of us. The dining table has six chairs so it's perfect.

"Knock knock!" I heard somebody yell after the door was open and shut.

The girls helped me carry stuff to the table and we set everything down. We all got drinks and then sat down to have dinner together.

"I'm thankful for the five of you being here with me. Especially through this pregnancy. Just imagine next thanksgiving twins will be here." I said happily and I felt the two girls kick in my belly.

"Five months to go baby!" Emerson cheered and we held our drinks up to cheer. We all have non alcoholic beverages but we could still cheer.

We dug in and of course to put the most food on my plate. Everybody looked at my plate and looked at me. I got many weird looks.

"I'm eating for three! Fuck off!" I exclaimed jokingly and we ate our dinner together. I'm so happy to be with these crazy people and I love them so much.

After dinner is girls put away left overs and brought out the pumpkin pie. I had made it this morning so I know it was still good.

"Who wants pie?" I asked and all six of us got a slice.

"Where'd you get this?" Remington asked me. "Yeah it's really good." Madi added.

"I made it." I told them and they seemed surprised.

So after our pie we sat around the living room watching tv. I leaned against Emerson and he rested his hand on my belly. Every few minutes one or both of the babies would kick and I saw Emerson's smile grow bigger.

"The twins are pretty active aren't they?" Sebastian asked me and I made a "pft" sound. "You have no idea." I rolled my eyes and they chuckled or smiled.

"Next time we have kids you're getting pregnant." I told Emerson's and he looked at me weird while the others laughed. "That's physically impossible babe." Emerson told me and I shrugged my shoulders. "Well then I guess we're not gonna have any other kids afege the twins." I joked and Emerson frowned as he thought I was being serious. "But eventually I wanna have a house full of kids." Emerson pouted and I shrugged again. "Sorry babe." I said but I wasn't really sorry plus I was messing around.

I love kids and I don't care about what I have to go through during pregnancy. And childbirth will be bearable. I want more kids eventually but I like messing with Emerson. It's fun to get him all worked up.

"Fuck." Emerson pouted again and I laughed before kissing his cheek. "I'm just fucking with you babe." I told him and he narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head. The others only laughed.

See? Don't you understand why I do this to him? It's great.

"How many kids are you talking about anyway?" I asked Emerson as I don't know what a house full of kids is. "Like two more after the twins." Emerson told me and I nodded my head as that's cool with me.

If he wanted to have like five or six kids I would've choked on my spit. I love kids like I said but I don't need that many.

"Two more are doable." I told Emerson and he smiled as he was going to get his way. "On one condition." I added and a smirk formed on my face.

"What's the condition?" Emerson asked slowly trying to figure out if he really wants to know or not. "We get married." I told him and the guys went "ooohhh" like sixth graders. "We'll get married then so we can have more kids." Emerson said and I was a bit surprised he answered so fast.

That's when I felt a kick on my ribs. "Ow! Mother fucker!" I yelled making the whole group stare at me. "What happened?" Remington asked me getting all worried. "One of the girls kicked my ribs." I answered and Remington cringed.

Emerson leaned down near my stomach and moved up my shirt to reveal my belly. "Mommy's ribcage is not a jungle gym." Emerson told the girls and then I felt a kick on my belly. "Much better. Thank you for listening to daddy." I said and leaned back more against the couch.

We may look crazy talking to my belly but it's how we cope. The babies listened so maybe we aren't crazy. I love our little family and I can't wait until I can hold my daughters. It will be a lot of work taking care of two babies but we can do it. I know me and Emerson can make it work, we can do anything.

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