Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers (also known as Ticci-Toby) is the titular main antagonist of the Creepypasta story of the same name.
Toby Rogers was born with many different mental disorders, making it very hard for him to fit in with people. His disorders caused him to be unsuited for a public school surrounding, along with earning him constant bullying, so he was switched to homeschooling early on.
He grew up with little to no friends and he lived with his mother, his older sister Lyra, and his father. When Toby was 17 years old, his sister and he were involved in a tragic car accident resulting in Lyra's death.
Toby is a tragic boy who was born with several mental disorders and was constantly bullied until he went insane and killed his father. He was found by Slenderman and serves as one of his Proxies.
1. Do not pick on retarded people. He might get mad and kill you, confusing you for one of his bullies (due to his memory problems)...
2. Please lock your entire house, chances might be he might break in and be waiting to kill you...
3. Get security cameras of a watchdog. So that way you can know if he's there or not...
4. Never leave your house or your room at night. He might stalk you and kill you when least expected...
5. Stay away from ally ways, woods or short cuts in general. Chances are that he might be waiting there to kill you...
6. Do NOT run in a straight line. Try pulling a gazelle and running in zig-zags, why? Because Toby likes to chuck axes at people like its nothing, and doing this will lessen the chances of you getting hit...
7. Honestly, if at this point you are STILL in the middle of the woods then you pretty much just deserve to die at this point...
8. If by chance he throws that axe and it just barely misses you, grab it and take off. Do not try to attack him as he'll more likely have more experience in hand to hand combat than you do. If you manage to get both of his axes, then he'll, theoretically, will have nothing to harm you with other than his fists...
9. Do not try to use his parents as a way to make him stop chasing you. In fact, don't do this with any killer. Even the slightest mention of his parents will guarantee your death...
10. Use his Tourettes syndrome to your advantage. You will be able to tell where he is due to the constant ticking-like sound effect that he makes, making him easier to track down an accurate location than Masky or Hoodie...

Creepypasta Magic ☽☉☾
ParanormalThis book has to deal with Creepypasta characters and other creatures lurking behind your bedroom door. Do you keep hearing a tapping noise at the window? A thumping sound in your attic or basement? Perhaps you hear a banging at your door? Or maybe...