1. Chemical reaction-
Here is the most dangerous and foolproof way of murder. Render the victim unconscious by any sort of drug means like alcohol, narcotics, ether, or any such means of a clean knock out. Put the unconscious victim in their bathtub and fill it to the brim with lye. Lye is a chemical that has potentially destructive effects on living tissues like skin, flesh, etc. solutions containing it can cause chemical burns, permanent injuries, scarring, and blindness immediately upon contact. As a result, within an hour the body will be reduced to a stew and completely impossible to gain any evidence from.
2. Lethal injection-
Another piece of an idea that would require some chemical apparatus to be collected, use the not so famous "Lethal Injection" as a murder technique. Used by thirty-three states, the three-drug cocktail – sodium thiopental for sedation, pancuronium bromide for paralysis, and potassium chloride for stopping the heartbeat would be a perfect choice for proceeding with the murder. The overdose of the sedatives can be used to bring about death instantly. The lethal injection technique may be somewhat more cruel and unusual. If you do not want to get into all this drug work, then go for other techniques.
3. Murder trap-
This idea is season-specific as you will have to wait till the fall. When the leaves begin to fall, use a blowgun to tranquilize him. Strip them naked and tie them up with a Duct Tape. Take them to a secluded area and place them in a fifty-gallon drum, one whose top is sealed with a nut and bolt and not just a strap system. Dig a hole. Place the barrel into the hole and then cover it with leaf litter and other forest items available in the area. The person would surely get a slow, disastrous, and a scary death when unable to breathe and placed in such a suffocated drum.
4. Cut and kill-
Inject the person with anesthesia so as to inactivate his brain and take them out into the middle of nowhere, preferably somewhere with a body of water and lots of animals nearby. Find as big as possible of a bush. Bust out their teeth so that no one can easily recognize the body, cut off the finger/ toes, use a sharp and a deadly weapon such as a saw to brutally murder them to death, and then roll them down into the middle of a bush. If you fear being caught, throw the fingers and toes in the lake. Take the teeth with you, dumping them down somewhere totally unrelated where one would ever think to investigate.
5. Combo technique-
To start with, let me present a very simple idea that would need the person to use all his strength and wits in order to go ahead with the aim of the brutal killing of the victim (to be). Not that horrifying murder but still a good one, the person can be poisoned while having a meal or whenever the chance is, shot several times in the head particularly in the "temple"- a very susceptible vital spot, stabbed with a weapon which shall be safely disposed of afterwards decreasing the risk of being caught and then thrown into a frozen river or a hot spring giving his body the third-degree burns or blinding him to death.

Creepypasta Magic ☽☉☾
ParanormalThis book has to deal with Creepypasta characters and other creatures lurking behind your bedroom door. Do you keep hearing a tapping noise at the window? A thumping sound in your attic or basement? Perhaps you hear a banging at your door? Or maybe...