This spell will allow you to be protected by all of the Creepypastas. You'll even feel their presence once you've cast the spell or even after when they are going to protect you from whatever it is that will happen to you(only when the spell work, if not try the spell again). You might even have a chance to see them when they do. The spell will only last for two weeks. You can do this spell whenever and wherever you want and where you are at.
What you'll need:
-Black Pen
-White Candle
-Bundle of Rosemary
Step 1. Gather all of your materials; place the paper on a smooth surface and with the pen draw the Slenderman Symbol in the middle.
Step 2. Grab the athame and trace the Slenderman Symbol with it then draw it again with the Athame in the air in front of you.
Step 3. Place the candle in the middle of the symbol, and light up the candle with a match only.
Step 4. Get the bundle of rosemary and burn it in the fire and draw Slenderman symbol again
Step 5. Chant out loud:
"I ask of thee to protect me, from harm. In return I'll do whatever you ask; I will not run before you ask. By the power of three time three, as I will it so shall it be."

Creepypasta Magic ☽☉☾
ParanormalThis book has to deal with Creepypasta characters and other creatures lurking behind your bedroom door. Do you keep hearing a tapping noise at the window? A thumping sound in your attic or basement? Perhaps you hear a banging at your door? Or maybe...