Can You Kill Someone With a Nerf Gun?

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These are not my answers, I found them on the Internet.

Absolutely! (But don't worry about it) Some of them have straps that you could use to strangle somebody if you were so inclined.

Some of them have relatively solidly molded stocks that could probably be used to cause enough trauma to somebody's windpipe to end their life.

If you break one you can probably do some meaningful damage to soft tissue (inside of the throat and the like) with the plastic shards and occasional metal rod internal part. It'll take a while to kill somebody but determination will get you there.

Even without breaking one if you jammed the barrel down somebody's throat and jammed around in there a bit you might cause enough damage that the subsequent swelling would lead to death by asphyxiation.

All of the above would need to be quite predetermined though, it wouldn't happen on accident. And pretty much every house has better tools lying around to murder somebody with than a nerf gun (knives, hammers, power tools, etc.)

Kill somebody during play by shooting them with an unmodified nerf gun and unmodified Nerf projectile? Only in the freakiest of freak accidents in incredibly specific circumstances. For example, you might shoot somebody right when they had their mouth open causing the dart to, against all odds, get momentarily stuck in their throat and in the confusion and subsequent stumbling they might fall off a ledge or bump into something heavy and unstable. Or something like that. Just having the dart in there wouldn't be enough because they're quite long so they would be easy to grab and pull out. Maybe if they had an allergic reaction to the foam? I wouldn't worry about it too much.

If you shoot it down someone's throat and they choke to death on the Nerf dart.

If someone trips and the gun slams into their throat and crushes their trachea.

Someone trips and falls and it breaks and they get stabbed by it.

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