10 Toxic Things You Use Everday

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1. Perfumes

A study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that potentially hazardous chemicals can commonly be found in fragrances. Toxic chemicals like benzaldehyde, camphor, ethyl acetate, benzyl acetate, linalool, acetone, and methylene chloride can, when inhaled, cause dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, irritation to throat, eyes, skin, and lungs, kidney damage and headaches.

2. Mattresses

Many mattresses have high levels of a potentially harmful compound called PBDEs. The health problems associated with PBDE exposure include brain and reproductive damage, decreased sperm quality, and thyroid problems, and this is particularly worrying since we spend a third of our lives in bed. PBDEs have been banned in Canada and several US states, so it's a good idea to check your mattress. If it has high levels of this toxic substance it would be prudent to invest in a new one.

3. Cleaning products

You are probably aware that many of the cleaning products you use every day have harmful chemicals in them, but you likely don't think there is much alternative. However, natural products like baking soda, soap powder, or lemon and hot water often work just as well without covering your home in toxic chemicals. Next time you are shopping for cleaning products check for chemical ingredients such as phthalates and chemical surfactants and then consider a more natural alternative.

4. Air fresheners

Like cleaning products, air fresheners help keep our homes nice, but a study by the University of California at Berkeley found that when used excessively or in unventilated areas they release toxic levels of pollutants. Having air fresheners around your home shouldn't make you sick, but you must ensure the area is ventilated to stop the toxic chemicals, such as ethylene-based glycol ethers and paradichlorobenzene, from circulating through the air and adversely impacting your health.

5. Plastic food containers

Many plastic containers are made from chemicals such as phthalates, which can interfere with the body's endocrine system to produce adverse developmental, reproductive, and neurological effects in humans, and since the plastic breaks down over time it can cause the release of these dangerous chemicals into your food. Switch to glass containers wherever possible.

6. Plastic drink bottles

We're all aware by now that plastic bottles aren't great for the environment, but they can also leak toxic chemicals into your drink. Most bottles are now BPA-free, which is a step in the right direction. However, that isn't the only harmful chemical so it's always safer to use a glass if you can.

7. Cosmetics

The average person applies between six and 12 cosmetic items per day and most of these will include toxic chemicals that are potentially harmful to you. It's always a good idea to look for cosmetics that are free of synthetic fragrances, are mineral-based or are made from natural oils. Buying organic products will greatly reduce your exposure to toxins.

8. Antiperspirants

Most people wear antiperspirants to avoid odor but one of the "sweat-blocking ingredients" found in many antiperspirants is aluminum. In recent years questions have been raised about whether the aluminum in antiperspirants can contribute to the development of breast cancer. While the studies are inconclusive the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does require a warning label on all antiperspirants.

9. Fabric softeners

Softeners work by coating your clothes with a thin layer of potentially toxic chemicals, such as quaternary ammonium salts. These can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and headaches.

10. Non-stick Cookware

While non-stick cookware can save you some cleaning time, it comes at a cost. At high temperatures the polytetrafluoroethylene that makes Teflon non-sticky gives off a toxic gas that has been linked to reproductive problems and other health issues. It's always best to opt for stainless steel or iron skillets!

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