-Not mine, found on Tumblr.-
I have a REALLY creepy theory about how dying works in Hell. Whenever a demon is killed, they do technically die but they don't stay dead. Their body ceases to biologically function and they become brain dead. The duration of time they stay dead for depends on how they were killed, but they eventually wake up with a scar over the wound. Imagine it. Being stuck in eternal darkness and being helpless to wake up. Then, suddenly, gasping for air as you burst back into reality.
Awesome. I really like this because it would add something to Hazbin's hell that makes it a scary place. The demons there act like they have nothing to lose. Probably because they don't have much. 90% of the population appear to be assholes who couldn't give a single fuck about anyone other than themselves. Unless it's extermination time or they fuck with the wrong demon, no one can kill them. Most of the time, it looks like they have nothing to fear. But this could give them something to fear. Because let's face it, this is a nightmare experience. Probably even worse than sleep paralysis. It could give them a reason to fear death even though they're already dead. Well aside from the times when someone can actually kill them, and then there's always the terrifying question of where else someone can go when they're already in hell. But this could give them a reason to fear death all the time, even if they know they cant die. Good theory.

Creepypasta Magic ☽☉☾
ParanormalThis book has to deal with Creepypasta characters and other creatures lurking behind your bedroom door. Do you keep hearing a tapping noise at the window? A thumping sound in your attic or basement? Perhaps you hear a banging at your door? Or maybe...