~Chapter One~

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The city drifted from the view of the rear view mirror. I nervously picked at my hair, creating spilt ends that once weren't there. The radio produced music at a softer volume than my dad and I usually listened to. Other than the music, there was awkward silence that filled the air. Unfortunately for me, the awkward silence was something I was used to.

I rolled down the window in need of fresh air. As the air blasted through the window, hitting my nose I could tell we were no longer in Pittsburgh.

"You're going to love it here" my dad exclaimed. He was moving me to his childhood town. He acted like we needed this move but I could see past him and saw he was running from reality, maybe we both were.

"Mmmhm" I hummed not wanting to get in another fight with him. We had had one each day for the last week up until today, the moving day. My protests and fits were no use, we were moving to Hawkins, Indiana whether I liked it or not.

I honestly wouldn't have minded the move a year ago. My dad seemed to have the perfect cliche childhood growing up here. But Pittsburgh held memories, ones I wasn't ready to give up.

A few hours later and after stopping for gas twice we finally made it. We pulled into the driveway of a small house with a sold sign pitched into the front lawn next to the mailbox.

As I stepped out the smell of the town made me almost gag. I quickly pinched my nose before forcing myself to breath out of my mouth.

"So what do you think? I use to live right down the road from here" my dad murmurs. I respond with a "nice" not really listening to him speak. Instead my attention is focused on the '79 blue Camaro parked across the street. The license plate indicates the residence of the house had moved here from California.

"C'mon the faster we unpack the quicker we can get dinner. I wanna take you to Benny's" my dad says with a box in his hands. I walk towards the truck and grab a box of my own.

Box in hand, I walk into the house and up the stairs claiming the room to the front of the house as mine. I honestly shouldn't have rushed to pick a room anyways, my dad would never sleep in his.

Over the next few hours my dad and I managed to unpack the truck and unpack all but a few boxes, placing the objects in their new respective places. The house was bare, being filled with only what my dad thought was necessary.

A few unpacked boxes lingered in the hallway. As I was about to grab them my dad jumped in front and neatly placed in the hall closet. By being placed in there meant they were never to be touched or opened, instead the boxes were to just take up space and gather a layer of dust.

"C'mon I think we both deserve a Benny burger and milkshake" my dad says grabbing the truck keys and ushering me out the front door. I sighed leaning my head against the glass as we drove down a dirt road.

What felt like a ten minute drive revealed a rundown place. The place looked empty as all the chairs and tables were gone, the sign still hanging by one nail. Caution tape remnants laid on the floor. 

"I guess Benny's isn't open anymore. We'll just go grab something else then" my dad says with a frown. He won't admit it to me but I knew this place was more than just a childhood favorite of his.

We ate at another local spot before heading back home. As I climbed into bed I heard a loud engine roar, music blasting from the car radio. I peeked out my window to see the tail lights of the Camaro switch on proceeded by the car flying in reverse before speeding off down the street.

I sighed rolling back over onto my bed, pulling the sheets to my neck. The sheets were becoming tethered and worn but I refused to get rid of them. Instead I let the familiar smell from the comforter put me to sleep.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now