Bonus Scene

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*phoebe isn't alive* this bonus image is following the original ending!

"Daddy" Madison called out from her bedroom. It was a snowy Saturday morning here in Hawkins. I was trying to make pancakes for the girls for breakfast but was currently failing.

"Daddy" Madison repeated standing at behind me. I turned around to find the precious six year old looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked kneeling down to face the child.

"When are the pancakes going to be done? Melia and I are hungry" Madison whined.

"How about we go to Mimi's for breakfast? Sound good?"

"No, I want pancakes like mom made them" Madison whined again. Her memory of Phoebe making pancakes caused a sudden wave of emotions to flush over me.

I was so lost with Phoebe, she honestly held us together as a family. I'm constantly trying to be the best father I can be for the girls but it sometimes just isn't enough.

I feel like I rely too much on Susan and Dan to help with the girls. Max even offered to move in during her summers off to help with the girls but I couldn't let her.

"Ok dad's gonna make pancakes go get your sister and come back down" I said. I let out a sigh before remaking a fresh batter of pancake mix.

I poured the batter onto the skillet and saw that instead of running all over the place like it usually did it was forming a circle. I sprinkled some chocolate chips and flipped the pancake.

I continued to do this a few times making about 15 pancakes which was more than enough for the three of us.

"Pancakes are done" I yelled and I could hear their two little feet running upstairs. We all ate breakfast together and I received two thank you kisses from the girls for an amazing breakfast.

As they scurried off upstairs to play again, I thanked Phoebe for being there in the moment. She always came through when I needed her the most.

I washed the dishes and straightened up the kitchen just as the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Billy, it's Susan. I'm just wondering if everything is okay seeing as you didn't come over for Sunday breakfast"

"Susan everything is fine. We had breakfast here"

"You're the best father Billy, don't you forget that" Susan said before saying goodbye. I hung the phone up and looked around.

I was doing my best as a father. I provided the kids with a house, food and most importantly love and support.

The snow continued fall throughout the day. The girls and I made a snowman in the front yard.

I then gave the girls a bath and put them to bed.

"Daddy?" Madison called out as I was exiting the bedroom.


"Can you tell us a bedtime story?" Madison asked. I knew she was going to want to hear about Phoebe and while I wasn't too ready to talk about her just yet. The girls were very eager to hear about her and it was unfair to hold back.

"Sure and what story should I tell tonight?" I asked as I sat at the foot of Madison's bed. Amelia sleeping across the room.

"How did you and mom meet?" Madison asked. I chuckled to myself knowing the true story is quite inappropriate.

"Well, your mom Phoebe, she had just moved to Hawkins like me and at first we didn't really like each other but the more we started hanging out the more the more I knew I loved her"

"Why didn't you like mommy in the beginning?"

"We were really alike but we just didn't know it yet. You know your mom baby sat aunt Max before we started dating"

"Really" the child said with wide eyes. Max when she came back to Hawkins would babysit. As the girls have gotten older I think they appreciate Max's company more as she's one of the mother figures they have to look up to.

"Ok story time over" I said tucking Madison under the covers.

"No, tell me more please daddy" Madison tricked me once again with those puppy dog eyes.

"Fine just a little more. What else do you want to know?" I asked sitting back down on the corner of the bed. I looked over to find Amelia passed out.

"Did mom love me?" Madison asked. The question caught me quite off guard. At six years old Madison was wise beyond her years.

"Very much, she was so excited to have you and hold you and play with you!" I said recalling the fear we both had on deliver day. Once we took her home we feel straight into the routine of being parents and Phoebe loved every minute of it.

"Okay goodnight for real this time" I said kissing her on the forehead.

"Goodnight dad" Madison said with a tired yawn.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now