~Chapter Thirty Eight~

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I walked into the house and dropped the box off in my room before coming back downstairs.

"I'm making waffles you want some?" El asked as the waffles popped out of the toaster.

"I can make waffles?" Billy asked. He was standing at the fridge with a box of Eggos in his hand.

"Waffles are perfect" I said. He popped some in the toaster before placing them on a plate and bring it to the table.

"No thanks" I said sighing as I grabbed a granola bar to snack on. El walked back to the living room to hang out with her boyfriend Mike, and their friends. Turns out Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas were friends. Then they met El who became Mike's girlfriend and Max who then began to date Lucas shortly after joining the group.

The front door opened and Dustin came running inside. "You're late" they all called out annoyed.

"I was talking to Suzie. Sorry I don't have a girlfriend who lives in Hawkins" Dustin said as he joined the others. I walked upstairs to sort through the box Billy gave me. A few plain T-shirt's were folded inside along with a bra, some foundation and couple lipsticks. I pushed it to the side and sighed.

A knock came from the door and I rushed downstairs to open it.

Tucker and Ethan were standing outside. I quickly shut the door but his foot stopped it. His hand pushed the door open.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah someone keyed my truck and slashed my tires and guess what I know it was you bitch"  Tucker said annoyed.

"I didn't do whatever you're accusing me of so just leave" I said trying to close the door once more but Ethan and Tucker stepped inside. I began to run up the stairs up Ethan had a grasp on my ankle, yanking me down the stairs. I quickly kicked him in the gut before running up them once more. I ran to my room closing the door trying to climb out the window but I was ripped by my hair to the floor.

"You should have just slept with me that night" Ethan whispered in my ear before he slapped me across the face.

"Help" I screamed hoping one of the kids downstairs heard the commotion. Ethan punching me in the face this time.

I could tell he broke my nose by the amount of blood flowing out of it.

"Just shut up" Tucker yelled.

"Phoebe?" Will yelled from downstairs. Ethan and Tucker exchanged worried looks.

Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. The two jumped out from my window. I grabbed my nose the blood gushing.

"Phoebe?" Will asked as he opened the door. Dustin was behind him.

"Oh shit" Dustin yelled. The rest of the group came running up behind them.

"What the hell happened?" Max asked as she crouched down next to me.

"My nose is broken. I need to go to the hospital" I said standing up.

"We can't drive" Lucas said looking around at the group.

"Billy can" Max exclaimed.

"No" I called out as the girl ran out the house and across the street.

Billy a minute later comes running out of the house with Max dragging him.

"Phoebe what the hell happened to you?" Billy asked all concerned his hands on my cheeks as he examined the damage.

"Billy no time just drive" Max sassed. Billy hesitantly looked at the car with the keys in his hand. Max walked me over to the car and helped me in. Billy hopped in the driver's seat.

He started up the car, the engine roaring and my head began to throb. The pounding was so bad my vision was blurred.

"Hold on" Billy yelled as he reversed out of the driveway. All at once it felt like a million memories came flooding back.

"Hi I'm Nancy Wheeler" the girl cheerfully said as she stood in the office.

"I'm Phoebe"

"I don't care" Billy hissed at the lab table.

"Be my girl for real this time" Billy asked.

Christmas Day snow fell, Billy gave me a Billy's Girl charm.

Neil screaming at Billy and I for trying to contact his mom....his mom at the door asking for Billy to comeback to California.

The monster at the mall, the sauna, Billy crying in the sauna

The fight at the party. Me doing a keg stand against Tucker. Me walking home in the dark.

Everything quickly flashing through my mind.

Billy came to a halt at the hospital and running around the car to open the passenger door. I immediately threw up on the ground.

"Help" Billy yelled sounding scared and worried. Two nurses came and assisted me into a wheelchair. I was still hunched over in pain. I was beginning to sweat and my stomach flipped once more.

"I'm going to puke" I weakly said holding my stomach, the nurse handed me a bucket.

"Sir you can't come any further" the nurse said to Billy as we crossed through the swinging double doors.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now