~Chapter Forty Four~

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I fucked up.... I let a moment of weakness get the best of me.

I stupidly called Billy at 10 o'clock last night. He didn't answer but our friend Tara did. She explained to me that she was just checking on the plants and stuff as Billy had asked her that morning.

Billy told her he was leaving with no information on where and when he would be back. I sighed because I knew me leaving must have made him think I was done, but that was far from the truth.

I was up all night thinking about where he could be, what he was doing, and when he would come back. I hadn't realized morning rolled around until I heard the typical morning bustle of getting Will and El out the door for school.

I climbed the stairs in need of some water. Joyce and my dad were long gone for work so I had the house to myself.

The day flew by quickly after my shower I watched some tv and decided to make everyone dinner tonight.

Will and El came home from school with Max behind them.

"Has Billy called?" She asked. I stopped what I was doing wiping my hands on the dish towel.

"No why? I called last night he wasn't home" I said.

"My mom tried calling this morning. He's never not called my mom on Monday morning. He always tells her about his weekend" Max said all worried.

"Maybe he's taking a break somewhere. He told Tara he was leaving" I said to her.

"Phoebe you aren't the slightest bit concerned right now?" Max asked.

"I always worry about Billy but he's a grown adult Max, he knows what he's doing" I said trying to convince myself with what I said. Honestly if I had just the slightest clue where Billy was right now I would get on a plane, drive a car or walk to see him. I, however, don't know where he is and me trying to worry and think about it isn't healthy.

Max gave up and went upstairs with El. I continued back to cooking.

Once Joyce and my dad got home we all ate the dinner I cooked.

"It's great Phoebe" Joyce said.

"Thanks. So I talked to Susan and she wants Mimi as her name. Have you guys given it any thought?" I asked.

"I was thinking Pops if that is alright with you. Makes me sound younger than if I was grandpa" my dad said.

"Love it and you Joyce?"

"Are you sure you want me to pick out a name. You don't have to feel compelled to just because your dad and I live together" she said.

"No, I'd love for the baby to have you apart of their life. You living with my dad is just a bonus" I said with a smile.

"I'll think about it then" she said with a smile back.

"Does that make Will and I like aunts and uncles?" El asked.

"Of course. I want the baby to be surrounded by people who I care about. Don't think just because we're not related by blood means you don't get to be apart of the baby's life" I said. After thinking about people in the baby's life I began to get emotional again about Billy.

"Excuse me" I said quickly pushing my seat out and grabbing the car keys. I sat in the driver seat and began to drive off. I rolled down the window as I drove to the one comforting spot in Hawkins, the park.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now