~Chapter Thirty Two~

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Knock knock

A few people who looked my age were standing at the doorway of my hospital room.

"Hi" a girl said she was standing with Jonathan who came back after visiting this morning.

"Hi" I said back nervously looking down at the IV in my arm.

"I'm ah, Nancy, and this is Steve" the girl said slowly walking in. They took a seat in the chairs positioned around the bed.

"Do we go to school together?" I asked.

"Yeah, we met last year. Steve works at the video store" Nancy said.

"Yeah I use to work at Scoops Ahoy" Steve said.

"Scoops Ahoy? What's that?" I asked. "I'm sorry I really wish I remembered. You all seem so nice and stuff"

They all remained silent looking down at their shoes. I began to eat my dinner that was just brought to me before they came.

"How well do you think Max and Billy are going to take this?" Nancy whispered to Jonathan.

"Not well" was all Jonathan had mustered up to say. They nervously tapped their feet and constantly looked at the clock. Another knock came from the door, a tall mysterious boy standing with a bouquet of flowers in his, and small redhead.

"Hey come in" Nancy said ushering the two in. The redhead jumped on the hospital bed giving me a hug.

"Phoebe I'm so glad you're okay" the redhead exclaimed. The Steve, Nancy and Jonathan looked at each other.

"Didn't you tell them" Nancy asked Jonathan who shook his head no.

Nancy got up from her seat and grabbed the girl's arms. "Max um she doesn't remember" Nancy calmly explained. The redhead looked up.


"She has amnesia, the last she remembers was in Pittsburgh before her mom passed" Nancy explained to the child.

"Phoebe it's me Max" she said. The tall guy who came with the redhead walked over, pulling a chair up to my bedside. He placed the flowers down and kissed my forehead.

"You can't do that" I whispered. He was taken back by my statement.

"I really appreciate all of you guys coming but I'm gonna be honest I'm really overwhelmed......" I said playing with the wires on the bed.

"We'll comeback tomorrow if you want" Nancy said ushering Jonathan and Steve up. They said goodbye and left me with the boy and the young girl.

"So your name is Max and yours is?"

"Billy" the boy said.

"And we know each other how?" I asked.

"We're neighbors and uh, Billy's your boyfriend" Max said.

"Boyfriend? I know for sure I don't have a boyfriend" I said shaking my head at that thought. Billy whips out his wallet pulling out a picture of him and I next to a car.

"That's me and you this past summer. It was taken a few days after the-" he began but caught himself from saying anymore. "Do you remember what happened to you?" Billy asked seriously.

"No but a young girl came and grabbed my hand, and said she saw things" I explained trying to recall the details from this morning.

"Was her name El?" Max asked. I shook my head yes. "What did she say"

"Something about a fight between Billy and I and then I was hit by a car" I said.

Billy hit is hand hard on the table next to my bed. I flinched at his actions.

"Visiting hours are over" the nurse said peeking into the room. The two exchanged a look before standing up. Billy grabbed my hand in his before leaving with Max.

"Boyfriend?" I questioned once they left.

The nurse came by to check my vitals. "You have so many friends it's nice to see them, coming to check on you and stuff" the nurse said as went down the checklist on her clipboard.

I just nodded and smiled.

"Well you're good to go home tomorrow morning. Get some sleep" the nurse said as she wheeled her cart out and turned the lights off.

"Home? What even is my home" I thought to myself

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now