~Chapter Twenty One~

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"Billy?" I softly yelled as I knocked on his bedroom door.

"What?" He hissed as he opened it.

"I thought we could hang out before you had to go to work but if it's a bad time maybe we can later" I whispered afraid of what Billy might do.

Lately our relationship has been hot and cold, and it's all thanks to Neil. He's been on Billy more so than ever, snapping at him for every little thing he does.

It started a few months ago when Billy tried reaching out to his mom. We had both talked about going to California after high school and Billy expressed how he wanted to rekindle his relationship with his mom. Somehow Neil found out, lashed out at both Billy and I and now I'm no longer allowed over when Neil's home.

In the beginning, Billy would tell me when Neil would hit him or hurt him but he eventually stopped talking to me about it. Instead he began bottling up his feelings, thus resulting in Billy being angry and frustrated all the time.

"I'm going to be late for work" Billy harshly said. He must have noticed I was uncomfortable because his voice began to soften. "Wanna take a ride with me to the pool?" I shook my head amused at the offer.

As we hopped in the car I decided now was the best time to talk to him. It would be 15 or so minutes until we arrived at the pool.

"Billy?" I questioned, he turned the radio down.


"Billy I know your dad's been crazy lately but our relationship, what are we Billy?" I asked. He sighed running his hand through his hair before grabbing a cigarette.

"Phoebe, you know how it is. I get angry and I don't mean to take it out on you"

"But Billy I cant keep tip toeing around you and your dad, it's just not fair. You're not the same Billy from a few months ago"

"Fine, you want a break is that what you're hinting at?" Billy hissed. Tears began to pool in the corner of my eyes.

"No, I just want the Billy I know back. I know it's not fair to ask someone to change but I know you and this is not you"

"Well this me sweetheart so take it or leave it" Billy yelled as we pulled into the parking lot of the community pool.

"Maybe a break is what we need" I said slamming the door of his Camaro. Billy sighed, taking one last puff of the cigarette before smushing it and walking to the employees office.

I leaned against his car tears streaming down my face. After a solid minute of crying I composed myself, wiping away the tears and straightening out my clothes.

I hopped on the town bus and took it to the Star court Mall. Riding the escalator down to the one person I knew who wasn't busy.

"Hey is ah Steve here?" I asked the girl in a sailor uniform. Steve had mentioned that he was applying around the mall and was mostly going to have to take the job at Scoops Ahoy.

"Dingus a girl is here for you" the girl called out. Steve came out from the back looking confused.

"Ah Phoebe" Steve said he could clearly see I was crying prior to my arrival here.

"Robin this is Phoebe, Phoebe this is my annoying coworker Robin" Steve said trying to break the awkward silence.

"You look familiar" I said to Robin not being able to put a finger one where I've seen here.

"So what happened this time?" Steve asked.

While Steve and Billy didn't get along in the beginning the two were on better terms now.

"I think we broke up. For real this time" I said holding back the tears.

"He's just being an asshole. He'll come around" Steve commented.

"You want ice cream?" Robin asked with her scooper in hand. I shook my head yes. Steve and I sat in the back of Scoops Ahoy talking about the details of today when Robin slides the glass window open.

"Sorry to interrupt but Dingus it's your turn to sling ice cream" she said annoyed. Steve got up and placed his hat on his head. Robin came in the back and sat down across from me.

"If you wanna talk I'm all ears" she said with her feet up on the table.

"My asshole of a boyfriend said we should take a break. Well maybe I said we should but he brought up the idea" I whispered.

"Ugh, boys... who's this boy anyway. Want me to kick his ass for you?" She asked.

"I-uh don't think you're going to want to" I said looking down at my now empty ice cream cup. "He's ah..Billy Hargrove" I muttered.

"Oh shit, you're "Billy's girl" or was" she said not making the situation any better.

"Thanks for talking but I think I'm just going to go home" I said. I got up and walked out of Scoops Ahoy. As I took the elevator ride back up I saw Max and her friends running down the opposite side.

"Late for another movie" I thought to myself. I caught the bus home and headed to my room staring at the ceiling. Hoping he would come knocking on my door, we would make up and spend the night together like we always do.

But his car never came home.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now