~Chapter Forty Eight~

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We pulled into the driveway to see Max sitting on the porch.

"It's 5:30 we still have 30 minutes" I said as I closed the passenger door.

"I know just figured I'd wait for you guys" Max replied.

"Well since you're ready we can head out now" Billy said.

"Hold on I have to pee" I exclaimed running into the house. I was starting to experience everything that came with being pregnant, especially having to pee constantly.

"Okay I'm good" I shook my head and made my way back into the car.

We drove an hour into the city. Hawkins didn't have too many restaurants so we figured we would treat Max to a nice one.

"So how are things with you and Lucas?" I asked

"We broke up, for real this time. We are still friends though" Max said kind of sounding sad.

"Apply to any colleges yet?" Billy asked. Billy and I insisted Max go to college despite both of us not going. When Billy and I moved out to California I had picked up a job as a waitress and Billy worked at a local mechanic shop. We struggled in the beginning but an opportunity had fallen into Billy's lap.

He was offered partnership on a business venture. Billy and his friend own a bunch of surf shops that offer lessons, rent boards and equipment for tourist. Since then we've been living comfortably, extremely comfortably.

"Yes, Dad" Max joked. "I'm looking at California for college. I love my mom and everything but I want to be able to spend more time with you guys and my dad. Plus the baby will be born by then. I can babysit for you guys"

"You are welcome over anytime. We loved having you in July and it would be nice to have you as a babysitter" I said

"It can be like a semester long sleepover" Max joked.

"Uh, you can't stay the whole semester. We need time to ourselves" Billy said with a wink. I playfully hit him.

"Gross, Billy you do know I'm not five right. I can tell when you make sexual jokes and stuff" Max said making Billy and I laugh.

"My mom is really looking forward to the baby coming. She's been secretly buying toys and clothes for when the baby visits" Max said. Billy smiled at the thought.

"We're here lets go I'm starving" I said as we pulled into a spot.

"You are always hungry" Max said making me roll my eyes.

We walked into a cute Italian restaurant and was seated in the back. I looked over the menu and settled on a ravioli dish. We ordered before going back to having a conversation.

"Billy, I, ah know that you're not really speaking to your mom right now but I figured you should know about these and have them" Max said as she rummaged through her bag. Billy and I exchanged a quick glance of concern.

"She's been sending you letters for the last couple of years sporadically" Max said handing over a rubber-banded stack of letters.

"She didn't know I moved away" Billy said explaining why the letters were sent to Hawkins. Billy placed them on the table.

"You going to open them?" Max asked

"I don't know. I'll think about it" Billy said.

"Your food" the waiter said interrupting the awkwardness that filled the air at the table. We ate and then headed home not really talking much about the letters or his mom.

As we pulled into the driveway we wished Max Goodnight before heading to the basement.

"I booked us flights, we leave in two days" I said as I began to shuffle through my clothes.

"I'm beginning to miss California" Billy said as he hopped into the bed. I crawled in snuggling up to him.

"I think you should talk with your mother again. I would do anything to have one last conversation with mine"

"I'll call her when we get back. Maybe I'll read the letters on the plane" Billy said as he rubbed my stomach.

"She's getting big" I said as I sat up in bed rolling my shirt up to expose my stomach.

"She's going to love California" Billy cooed.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now