~Chapter Thirty Four~

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"Everyone up. You're all going to be late for school" Joyce yelled. I immediately hopped out of bed to see what the commotion was all about.

"Phoebe get dressed" El said as she hurried to get her shoes on. I quickly grabbed a T-shirt, jeans and the jean jacket in my closet. I threw some shoes on and was out the door.

Jonathan drove us to school, and as we were driving I realized I didn't know my schedule, my teachers, or just how to get around. I sunk down in the seat of the car.

Jonathan parked and we all scurried out. Nancy was waiting for Jonathan and the two of them walked into school together.

I looked around and realized I was left on my own. I took a deep breath before walking in myself. As I walked in I became overwhelmed again. Panic started to settle in.

"Hey c'mon we're gonna be late" Billy said grabbing my hand. He sling his arm over my shoulder. I quickly peeled it off.

"What are you doing? I told you can't go doing that stuff. I don't even know you" I said.

"Fine" Billy said annoyed. "We're still headed to the same place though"

"Oh good you know my schedule?" I asked. Billy laughed "Yeah we have almost every class together"

I sighed a breath of relief knowing I was at least going to be able to make it through the school day. Billy directed me to my seat.

As I sat down I noticed almost the whole class staring.

"Hey Phoebe, I heard about what happened. Hope you get your memories back soon" a girl said. She was seated in front of me.

"Hey, Phoebe" a boy said as he plopped down in the seat next to me. He gave me wink before directing his attention to the front of the class.

"Leave her alone Tucker" Billy hissed. Tucker flicked Billy the finger.

The day dragged on, the whole time I just felt completely out of my element. I wasn't suppose to be at Hawkins High, I was suppose to be at the private school in Pittsburgh. I wasn't suppose to be sharing a house with practical strangers, it was suppose to be the apartment with my mom and dad.
The weeks passed and my memory hadn't improved, instead I learned to adapt to my new life. Relearning names and faces of my peers and teachers at school, learning how to get around Hawkins and learning how to live with the Byers.

Max is constantly filling me on how Billy's doing. It's been bad, Billy's reverted back to his old ways of being a bully. He yells at Max and picks on the lower class-man.

Max has said that along with reverting back to the old Billy, he's picked up some new traits. He refuses to drive his car and hasn't looked at a single girl yet. He smokes a ton, and drinks at night, constantly at parties getting wasted. His wasted nights then lead to fights.

"He's hurting I can tell" Max said as she and El were reading magazines.

"He misses you but don't feel guilty it isn't your fault" Max continued.

"So you going to the big Halloween party at Tina's?" Max asked.

"I don't know, the last time I went to a party I lost my memory" I said.

"Maybe you'll get it back" Max said sounding hopeful.

"Nancy and Jonathan are going, just hang with them" El added.

"Maybe" I said turning my attention back my school book. I fiddled with my pencil trying hard to concentrate on getting the homework done.

I decided to take a break and talk to Jonathan.

"Hey" I said as I knocked on the open door.

"Come in"

"I uh, you and Nancy are going to Tina's party right?" I asked.


"Do you think I could tag along?"

"Yeah, sure. Nancy and I would love for you to come" Jonathan said with a laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I, uh left you at Tina's party last year" Jonathan said recalling the memory. I looked at him blankly and he stopped laughing, instead he began to cough trying to cover the smile he once had on his face.

"You can come with Nancy and I" Jonathan said. I shook my head and headed back to my room to finish the homework I had started.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now