~Chapter Twenty Three~

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I had woken almost 16 hours later. Being upset had really taken a toll on my body and I had gotten the rest I needed.

I looked over to the clock to see it was 2pm. I decided I was going to get Billy to talk today. I wasn't going to give up so easily on someone I truly cared about.

I jumped in the shower and made sure I looked nice. Throwing on a pair of shorts and crop top. I began my walk to the pool around 4pm. It closed around 5-6 so I was confident I could still catch Billy there.

I knew his work schedule by heart. He worked midday Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and closed on Wednesdays.

I walked along the road rehearsing what I was going to say. "Billy just here me out.." "No" "Billy I made a mistake.." every phrase I said either sounded stupid or cliche but I was running out of time. I must have been so worried about what I was going to say I didn't realize I was at the pool.

I looked around and spotted Billy's car still in the parking lot. "Thank god" I muttered under my breath. I rushed into the pool area and headed for the men's locker room.

I opened it and saw it was pitch dark.

"Billy?" I yelled as I walked around. I headed to the back of the locker room where the Sauna was located.

"Billy?" I opened the door to find Max and her friends along with Billy locked in the Sauna.

"Max what the hell?" I yelled running to the door but Max's friends tried pulling me back.

"Phoebe just stop" Max said sternly.

"Max" Billy called out. He had been trying to open the door panting prior to calling out her name.

"Do it" she said. The kid in the striped long sleeve who I believe was Jonathan's brother turned the dial up on the sauna.

"What are you guys doing? You're going to kill him" I yelled as I ran to the dial. I was swiftly pushed back a force. Max's friend from early had her hand lifted and it seemed like only in movies did super powers exist.

I fell to the floor, my hands gripping my head. "I'm going crazy, this explains it" I whispered to myself closing my eyes. I opened hoping to be home in my bed but no I was still in the Men's locker room of Hawkins Community pool.

"Max. Let me out of here" Billy yelled while banging on the door. He was beginning to swear profusely.

"Can you just explain why you're doing this to him?" I asked.

"He's being controlled by something" Max said. I began to cry for Billy. He was clearly in pain.

"Phoebe let me out" he yelled again.

I crossed my arms and looked at my shoes not wanting to see Billy's expression.

Almost instantly his demeanor changed. "You kids think this is funny?....you kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?" . Billy spat on the window before screaming once more. "You little shits think this is funny?"

Max exchanged a look with her friends.

"Open the door!" Billy yelled startling us all.

He screamed and fell to the floor. Byers' brother ran to the thermometer "we're at 220°F".

Sobs are heard from behind the door. I run to the window to see Billy crying.

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fault Max" Billy sobbed.

"What are you doing to him?" I cried. My body was shaking in fear for him.

"I promise, it's not my fault. Phoebe please you have to understand" Billy cried out.

"What's not your fault Billy?" Max asked.

"I've done things Max. Really bad things. I didn't mean to. He made me do it" Billy said shaking.

"What's going on? Some explain this to me?" I asked as I began to panic. I was beginning to feel lightheaded.

"Who made you do it?" Max asked.

"I don't know, it's like a shadow. Like a giant shadow. Please Max, you have to believe me" Billy cried out.

"Phoebe you have to help me" Billy sobbed. My heart began to break in a million pieces.

"Guys if he's talking about his Dad. We can help him" I begged trying to break the chain.

"Get away from the door!" Nancy's brother yelled. On cue glass go flying everywhere and Billy's arm is sticking out of the Sauna window.

"Let me out you bitch! Let me out. I'll fucking gut you" Billy yelled while banging on the door.

I tried to run to Billy to help him but Nancy's and Jonathan's brothers were holding me back.

The lights began to flicker and Billy's screams became more intense. He began to pound on the door slowly bending the pipe that held the chain.

"He can't get out can he?" Max's boyfriend asked. His next attempt at breaking down the door was successful. He came rolling out.

He was covered in spider like veins and was breathing heavy. The girl lifts the pole with weights and launches at Billy with her mind.

He's catapulted back against the wall. Held there for a minute until he breaks free. He begins to choke the girl until Nancy's brother hits him with a bat.

"Billy" I cried out the whole time.

Max's friend again uses her superpowers to levitate him in the air for a minute before throwing him through the brick wall.

I watched through the hole in the wall as Billy ran away into the forest wailing the whole time.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now