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Let me tell you.Braxton Hicks are Satan's gift.I have been having them all morning.

I was blessed with my first pregnancy.

Never had them.

Seeing Avi tomorrow and having to tell him.That was already nerve wracking.

I leaned over the island and that gladly helped.

If you're wondering.Still no gender of the baby.This kid is so stubborn.At the point of time.I've given up and we'll see once Peanut is born.Israel decided she hated calling her baby sibling "it".She makes everyone say Peanut too.

Shelly: "How about we do some old wives tales?"

Israel: "What are those?"

She was sitting on Esther's lap.Well barely since Esther's stomach was out.Due anytime now with a girl.Before Israel said she didn't care what her sibling was.Until she saw Ava excited for a new baby sister.

Darien: "I'm not quite sure how to explain this.Mom?"

He looked over to Shelly.She sighed and like always.She has the answer right away.

Shelly: "Just little tests,dear.We do something and it shows what's mommy is having."


It was later in the night.Around ten.Israel and I sat on the couch.We were watching Vampirina.She fell asleep so I shut off.I was playing her hair that was spread all over my lap.Rubbing my belly with my other hand.

Doing the old wives tales earlier was fun.

The score was even.Six for girl and six for boy.First was how you carried.I was carrying low,but the same thing was with Israel.

Next was acne.I broke out quit a bit.So that point went to girl.Before I could think more.My phone started to ring.I had to reach over a bit.Without waking Israel.I answered it without looking at the ID.

Me: "Hello?"

Jerry: "Hey Kirst.I hope this isn't a bad time.Did I wake you?"

Me: "No,you're fine.What's up?"

Jerry: "Well I talked to some of the directors.Even though they don't allow it.

They did say you can bring your little girl to see Avi tomorrow."

Me: "Really?"

Jerry: "Of course.Av is one of best inmates and they couldn't say no.Plus they saw how adorable she is."

Me: "Thanks,Jerry.She'll be excited when I tell her that in the morning."

Jerry: "You're welcome.Get some sleep."

Me: "Good night."


Israel: "I gotta dress cute for daddy!"

I genuinely smiled.Israel was over the moon excited when I told her she could visit daddy with me.

Me: "Iz,you gotta get in the tub."

Israel jumped off the couch and ran upstairs.I shut the tv off and fixed it up a little bit.By the time I was up there.She was already splashing.

I stopped by her room to get the clothes out.I grabbed an army green button up and her flowery skirt.The shoes/accessories were her choice.Unless they looked ridiculous,which it was sometimes.


I helped Israel dry off and began to dress her.Put her cami and panties on.Than her shirt and skirt.She usually could dress herself,but this outfit was a little complicated.

Israel picked out silver sandals and a little crown necklace Esther had gotten her.I brushed her hair and put the stuff in her hair to keep the curls in.

Israel deciding to be annoyed,she wanted a braid in her hair.Because daddy likes braids mommy.I filled up our water bottles and got in the car.


I unhooked Israel and she jumped out.

Kept bouncing up and down.Waiting for me to shut and lock the car.I did so and we began walking.

As the time went by.I got more and more nervous.How was he going to react?Will he ever think the baby is his?I opened up the door and Jerry was siting right at the desk.He smiled at us.

Jerry: "Well,good morning.You must be Israel."

Jerry knelt and shook Israel's hand.She giggled and nodded.He stood back up and gave us our name tags.

We walked through the buzzed doors.Avi had no clue Israel was coming either.So that was another surprise.I know what his reaction will be to this.

I sat down at the table and put Israel next to me.She sipped on her water.We had to refill it here since they don't allow outside water.

The door opened and Israel was off.Jerry didn't say anything like the nice guy he is.

Israel was overfilled with happiness.

Israel: "Daddy!I missed you!"

Avi had an actual smile in a while.He picked her up and hugged her.Israel wrapped herself tightly around her.Jerry left and Avi sat down.

Israel: "Do you like your surprise?"

Avi: "I love it."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek.I missed their relationship.She sighed.

Israel: "There's another one."

Me: "Izzy."

Israel: "What?!You promised me you'd tell him."

I painfully looked at my hands.I gulped knowing I had to do it.She was right.This guilt was built up in me.

Avi: "Kirst?What's she talking about?"

I looked up and the words just came out like vomit.The words I've been dreading to say to him.

Me: "I'm pregnant."

{A/N: I was originally going to give you guys a double,but I wanna tease you a bit😜}

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