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Israel exhaled and cried loudly.I folded my hands together and leaned onto the counter.She was outside.Avi's cousin Ben was teaching her and Ava how to play soccer.Since they both bothered Esther and I to sign them up.Basically the only thing Israel knew about soccer was kicking the ball.

I heard her,but didn't see her.I looked out the sliding door.There my daughter was.

Laying in the middle of the yard.Just balling right there.

Mike was out there with them.He opened the door and it was louder then he shut it.

He went over to the fridge.

Mike: "She doesn't get the concept that you can't have your hands on the ball."

Next thing I knew it.Israel got up and stomped over to the door.She tugged at it and got angrier when it didn't open.Josh opened it and she marched right to me.

Israel: "Ava can do soccer.I quit.I'm doing everything wrong."


Mitch: "The wedding's off for sure."

Scott reached a hand over and rubbed his arm.The tenor smiled at him for that.He put his head down and just zoned out.

Me: "What happened?"

Mitch looked up at me.True sadness in his eyes.There wasn't one tear though.His voice cracked.He took the cover off his iced coffee and stirred the straw.

Mitch: "He told me he doesn't love me anymore."

Scott: "Did he give you an explanation?"

Mitch: "Why would he need to?I'm not worthy of love.All I did was waste his time."

Me: "No,don't let him make you feel like that."

Mitch: "I don't know what to do.I honestly thought I found the love of my life.Then he does this.Is it seriously that hard to love me?"

Then he finally breaks down.It was hard seeing Mitchy like this.He rarely did this with Israel in the house.She hated seeing Uncle Mitchy sad.


Israel was able to cuddle Mitch to sleep.

That was one of her superpowers.She made everything go away.It was cute the way they slept.It looked like he had his head on her.Scott came back in the room.

Me: "What did he say?"

Scott grabs my arm and brings me outside.He locks the door and we sit on the patio.

Scott: "Beau didn't like the fact Mitch put off the wedding until Avi was out.He never wanted any of us in the wedding.Avi was scum to do that to Jeremy."

Me: "I knew something was off with him.

He never liked any of us around."

Scott: "He always thought I had a crush on Mitch."

Me: "Do you?"

Scott: "No no no.What happened over me and Mitch is over.Not happening again."

I heard the sadness in his voice when he said that.

Book 4:Becoming Hers{4:18}Where stories live. Discover now