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I grabbed the phone from Esther.Not even asking who it was.I had just waken up from a cat nap.I sat out in the family room.

Me: "Hello?"

Avi: "Hi.Happy birthday.I'm sorry for ignoring you.I feel like such an ass.You must've been going through more than I have."

I got up and went upstairs.Going into the bedroom I've been "renting" in Esther and Darien's.I wanted to be more private.

Me: "It's fine.I know it came in as a shock.

It just hurt me.Thinking you didn't think this baby is yours."

Avi: "I know,Kirst.Jerry's been on my ass about it.He's my biggest cheerleader here.

He wants me out for Izzy's birthday."

Me: "That's all she asks me."

Avi: "I know.She talked to me with Esther.

I'm really trying,Kitty."

Kitty.My heart bursted.Hearing that name come out of his mouth.It felt amazing.

Me: "I know you are.I'm your biggest cheerleader out here.Although,I probably wouldn't be able to do all much cheering."

Avi: "How is this pregnancy?"

Me: "Um,I hate eggs.Braxton Hicks killed me weeks ago."

Avi: "The eggs do sound like the Kaplan thing.I have to go.Tell Izzy I love her.And I love you."

I smiled to myself in a while.

Me: "I love you too."


I kinda fell asleep again.I had given Esther phone back and I drifted off on the couch.

I woke up to two little girls simultaneously screaming mommy/Aunt Kirstie.

I opened up my eyes and pouted.Crossing my arms and everything.They giggled.

That noise was the best thing everything.

I let them "help" me up.

Darien was almost done with dinner.I sat down at the table.Israel came and sat what was left of my left.Okay,I'm exaggerating.I'm not that big.

Israel: "Mommy?What's that weird avi word everyone keeps saying?"

Everyone couldn't help,but laugh at that.

Ava just looked at her cousin confused.

Like she didn't know that Israel didn't know.Israel poured when she saw everyone laughing at her.I kissed her head.

Me: "That is daddy's name."

Israel: "No,it's daddy."

Me: "Iz,everyone has a name.Mimi and Pop pop have a name."

Israel: "That's confusing I need a nap."


I love everyone,but I'm so glad they're gone.Esther and Darien were picking.They refused to let me help.The girls would just make a huge mess.Josie was only 2 months old.

Ava: "Aunt Kirstie.Can we paint your belly?"

Me: "Sure.You wanna use my new paint?"

The girls' eyes lit up.They dug through the tote of presents.Grabbing out the tubes of paint and brushes.Esther came in and looked at the girls.

Esther: "What in the world are you two doing?"

I rolled up my shirt and patted my stomach.The girls pointed and Esther looked at me.

Me: "Painting my belly."

Esther: "And who's picking the mess up?"

We all did not it.The only one who didn't was Esther.She just rolled her eyes.The girls giggled.

Israel: "Aunt Esther has to clean up!"

Esther sighed giving up.She left for a second to get a paper plate and sat down with the girls.She squirted some white paint on and gave both girls a brush.They dunk it in and just slapped it on.

Me: "Geez.Be careful.That's cold."

The night ended with Darien ordering pizza and wings.The girls finishing.They just put little sprinkles on top of the white.

I must admit.It looked pretty good.

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