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It felt weird being this pregnant.I was 33 weeks and 5 days.By this time with Israel.

Avi and I were just bringing her home.I was starting on dinner when Israel came home with her uncles.

By uncles I meant Scott,Mitch,and Kevin.

She went with them to get last minute stuff for her birthday in 2 days.I wouldn't dare to go.By this stage in my pregnancy.

I was peeing every 5 minutes.Speaking of that.

When I came back out.They were all crowded in the kitchen.Being too busy gagaing about the stuff they got.They didn't even notice me.Israel did.She ran to me and hugged my legs.

Israel: "Mommy!Uncle Kev got me a tiara because he says I going to be a birthday princess on Sunday."

Me: "You're already a princess though."

Israel: "Uncle Mitchy says I'm a queen."

Me: "Of course he did."


I woke up at six sharp.All thanks to someone that liked moving.I rubbed my stomach hoping it would stop.That resulted in a jab into my ribs.

Me: "You're just being a little asshole today.Aren't ya?"

Israel had fallen asleep with me last night.

Cuddling right up to my bump.That got me thinking.Until when in pregnancy is your stomach is a bump?

Israel: "Good morning mommy."

I looked up and smiled at the cute thing I created.I know it doesn't look like it.She tiredly walked over and hugged me.

Me: "Good morning.You hungry?"

She nodded while rubbing her eyes.

Me: "Okay,give me a few."

Israel ran to the en suite family room and turned on Shimmer and Shine.I rolled my eyes and got up.It always that show.

Me: "What do you want?"

No answer.I looked over.Her eyes were glue on the screen.Full attention to the show.

Me: "Israel!"

Israel: "Toast and berries!"

Book 4:Becoming Hers{4:18}Where stories live. Discover now