The Final Battle-Part 1

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I laid out a map on the kitchen table. It was a map of the sewer system in Riverdale. I formed a plan on how to defeat Seth.

"We need to explode the ashes in the home of Seth's warehouse, which is Riverdale Private School. We need to make it explode. Which means we need to get the innocent and non-possessed students or teachers out of there. A werewolf has to set off the bomb to the school...we have to choose who's going to do it. Someone needs to distract Seth. Then, we need witches and warlocks to stop the evil spirits from leaving the gate when we burn Seth's ashes." I said.

"I'll distract Seth." Betty said. I was quick to answer that one.


"Why not? Seth is the one that wants me to marry him and everything. So, it's the perfect distraction. I need to do this."

"Fine, Betty is in charge of distraction. We need someone to set off the bomb to the ashes."

"I'll do it." Cheryl said. I nodded and wrote it down.

"Betty, Cheryl, Fangs, and Veronica have a part right now. How about someone to make sure the wolf gets in the school basement ok." I shrugged.

"I'll do it." Kevin said. I wrote that down and exchanged looks with everyone. The door then burst open all of a sudden and we were in shock.

"Did you miss me?" Reggie smirked. He came over to the table. We all looked at him and were in shock.

"First of all, what the heck? Second of all, where is my NyQuil? And third, you are probably the biggest douchebag in the world." Sweetpea scoffed.

"I've been busy. But I'm here now and I want to help." Reggie said.

"You can evacuate everyone at the school with me. We'll have Toni evacuate Juniper and Dagwood. Seth is probably coming after Juniper so we should be ready. Seth is most likely going to be at the one place in Riverdale that's a party...The Whyte Wyrm. Betty, go there at 8PM. At 8:30PM, we'll evacuate the school. At 9PM, you guys will go into the sewers. At 9:15PM, it's show time. Tonight, this ends." I said. We put our hands out and stacked them on top of each other's. It was an oath to a horrible night.

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