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sorry this isn't a new chapter. i was just wondering how you guys imagine daniel saying this stuff. do you see him writing it down as letters or in a diary or to eve herself or what? because i thought about it the other day and i actually had no idea. just tell me how you imagined daniel saying it if you did or whatever. also, what do you imagine eve and daniel to look like? as in hair colour, eye colour, skin tone, body shape, ect. if you picture an actor/actress that works, too. i've left it really loose because people have different ideas about what beauty is and so on. i'm just interested in what you guys picture when you read my story. you can comment or pm me if you actually want to tell me. *awkwardly gestures with her hands for no particular reason*


*for daniel this is his last year before he leaves for university (basically, he's seventeen/eighteen) and eve is either the same age, a year younger or a year older, i really can't decide*

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