Herc's at Work

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A/n : to the comment that I replied that this wouldn't be up until next week-> sorry I accidentally lied to you. I also wanted to say thank you for all of your support for this story as we hit 6k reads and 200 votes today. At the beginning of 2019 writing this got me through a rough spot. So seeing all the positive feedback from you all makes writing even more enjoyable. Thank you! - Lee

Y/n's Pov

After I put on Hercules' service dog vest and grabbed his certification card, we made our way to the station. But first we got coffee and of course a nice puppochino for Herc.

"Hey Y/n how ya feeling?" Richie greated me at the front desk as I clocked in.

"I'm doing better. But after the past few days I've had, my doc said I should bring my service dog today." I smiled patting Hercules' head.

"Well damn he sure is calm for such a large breed." Richie chuckled. I laughed and smiled as we walked over to the elevator. I heard a familiar sounding motorcycle pull in as the elevator doors closed. At least I wasn't the only one running late.

I walked into the main hall holding Herc's leash as my coworkers' eyes fell upon the two of us.

"Jack may I come in?" I said knocking on my boss's door. Hearing a yes I quickly walked in wanting to have a few less eyes on me.

"Ah Y/n I was wanting to speak with you about your interview yesterday." Jack said before looking at Hercules. "Well who's this fine pup?" I sat down with a sigh, and Hercules placed his head in my lap.

"This is Hercules. My service dog. I have his certification card with me if you need to see it. After the events of the past few days my doctor said I should bring him with me today. I am so sorry about what happened at the restaurant. I-" my hands were shaking slightly as I scratched behind Herc's ears.

"Y/n please take a breath. Mr. Kroll called this morning and told us what happened. He explained you handed the situation amazingly and because of you he and the other civilians were able to make it out," Jack said. My nerves slowly settled down. "He also said that before that happened that his interview with you and Eddie was great and he can't wait to show it off." He had a smile on his face. I let out a sigh of relief.

       "I'm glad to hear that Jack," I said smiling a little. I stood up and moved to make my way to the door.

       "Wait a moment Y/n. Since you were there last night, I would like you to write an article over the man that raided the restaurant You saw his face and even got the civilians out of there." Well there go my nerves. I stared out the windows behind my boss for a moment before taking a breath.

      "May I make a small request first?" Jack nodded giving me a questioning glance. "Now this is going to sound odd at first but hear me out. Have you ever seen the musical Annie? Well there was a character called the masked announcer." I could see the look on Jack's face that just screamed 'why the fuck are you telling me this'.

      "What's you're point here exactly Y/n? We both have work to do today." I knew he was going to say that.

      "That man last night was looking for something. Maybe someone. So if we openly write an article about the event where he saw not only me, but Eddie as well, it could put the two of us in danger. However, by writing by a pseudonym it avoids releasing any personal information to anyone who could use it against us." I explained as I gripped Hercules' leash. If I had to write about Franco Wilson, I was going to be cautious about it.

     Playing a character to hide away from a situation. Sounds familiar right? Just like last night. Making these characters, some as brave as a knight in shining armor when I am absolutely terrified others more charismatic and lively as an easy distraction, just to get me through a moment like it's a scene on a stage.

       Jack day there thinking about this almost as much as I was. He looked at Hercules and nodded.

      "Well seeing your current situation and the fact that you've had enough trouble in the past three days, I think it's a good idea. If it keeps my staff safe I will allow almost anything. Almost." He chuckled for a moment. "Sorry I just remembered something. Well you should get to writing Y/n."

       I finally made it back to my office, well the office I shared with Eddie...and technically an alien as well, with my now very cold mochas. Eddie was so focused on his computer he didn't even notice me walk in. At least I thought he was focused on the computer.

       "V I'm sure she's fine. She probably just had to do something before work- what the fuck are you doing to the knee of my pants you parasite now their all wet!" Eddie babbled.

       "I am NOT a PARASITE. I'm not even doing anything!"

       Hercules, after I sat down, had decided to lick Eddie's leg. Guess he thought Eddie needed comforting. He always does that when I'm down cause it makes me laugh no matter what. Even now it made start laughing. Eddie jumped a foot in the air as I did so.

      "Y/n you're here. When did you walk- wait was that what I think it was?" He glanced under the table and saw a now very proud Hercules.

Hercules thoughts: I did a good human and thing aren't arguing.

        "Sorry about Hercules. He does that when I'm stressed out to help me relax and just laugh for a moment. So what were you all stressed about anyway?" I asked before his face flushed a light pink.

         "Well V felt bad about having to leave you alone before you woke up."

         "No you were the one that didn't want to leave the 'warm bed'. However we were wondering why you weren't here yet," Ven argued. Eddie's ears were bright red at this point and his cheeks looked as if he had gotten into my blush. I chuckled feeling my own face heat up as I remembered that moment before he left. His lips on my cheek. And the fact that we had a drunken kiss the night before.

       "Y/n you okay over there? Kinda seem lost in thought?" I snapped out of my...would you call it a day dream?

       "Yeah yeah I'm okay. I actually got here about four minutes before you I think. Well at least the amount of time it took to explain Herc to Richie then walk to the elevator. The reason it took me so long to walk in here was because I went to explain this situation," I gestured to the my sweet pup, who was now resting his head on my feet, "to the boss. He also told me that Nick told him that he couldn't wait to read the interview, and that I have a new article to write!" I said semi excited.

      "That's great! Both parts I mean. But what does he want an article about?" Eddie asked with his signature head tilt that made me melt a little.

      "He wants me to write about the Franco situation." Eddie's eyes went wide.

      "What? Are you going to be able to? And what if he reads it won't that put you in Danger?" He asked as his voice and Ven's mixed together. I then explained how I was going to become The Masked Journalist.

        "If I do this now Nick is the only one who has truly even seen my face. Plus if I do any videos like yours I can hide my face with some sort of mask. I also can do costumes make-up so even if I didn't want to wear a mask I could make myself look completely different than I do right now!" I explained becoming more and more exited for this.

       This Masked Journalist also means I can keep Eddie out of Franco's line of sight. The less he knows about Eddie the better.

        "Oh I brought you coffee again. And I grabbed some extra chocolate for V too!" Eddie smiled at me so genuinely. I don't he could hide his happiness at both coffee and chocolate from anyone.

        "Thank you so much. That's really going to come in handy today." I gave him a confused look. "My interview with Cletus Kasady is today."

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