A Duo

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Eddie's POV.

     "I don't know how describe this thing. But I'm afraid...Hercules!" There was a loud thud on the other end of the line. I quickly ran to the window as we became Venom. We climbed up on the rooftop looking down into the alleyways.

There's a familiar smell. And it's not Y/n...wait no I can smell her now. We've got to go Eddie there's blood.

      Y/n...what have you gotten yourself into. We ran as quick as we could slinging down to see Y/n passed out next to Hercules. V went down to heal Y/n as I looked over Hercules. He had a claw mark on his side. It wasn't like anything I had seen before.

Y/n's POV

Y/n. Nibble please wake up.

     I stirred hearing that familiar voice in my head. I slowly sat up wary of the wound on my side.

Don't worry about that love. It's all healed.

     "Thank you V. Eddie thank gods you both are here. That thing that attacked us-" I got cut off by a tight hug. I smiled a little.

      "You scared us earlier. Listen we can talk about what happened later. Right now we need to get Hercules to an animal hospital. V I'm going to need you back for this," I kept my hand on Eddie's long enough for V to transfer over as I tied the flannel I had on over Herc's cut.

      "I've got you bud. You're okay." I looked over as Eddie transformed into Venom. My pup was in pretty bad shape. He let out a whine as Venom scooped him up in one arm.

     "Come on Nibble. We'll take you there."

      "Okay. I trust you guys not to drop either of us." Venom held on to me as they slung their way through the city. It wasn't long before we were in an alleyway near the hospital. Eddie held Hercules in his arms V giving him the extra strength he needed. We ran into the hospital.

     "Oh my god what happened?" The man at the front desk looked shocked as he saw the blood soaked shirt on Herc. I felt myself start to tear up as I tried to explain. I couldn't make any words.

       "We we're taking a hike when a coyote tried to attack us. He's Y/n's service dog we need help desperately." I was so thankful for Eddie in that moment. A few nurses took Herc back and we were left to wait. Eddie held me as I cried. It took me about ten minutes to calm down enough to talk to a nurse.

     "You said it was a coyote? That cut was really big."

     "It just jumped out and went for me at first. But Herc...he jumped in between it and me." I held Eddie's hand as I told this partial lie. "He's up to date on all of his shots. And he got his rabies shot a few months ago."

     "Well as a precaution we are going to have to keep him overnight. Just to watch over him and make sure that he didn't catch anything. That cut wasn't too deep so they should be giving him stitches and pain medicine as we speak."

       After giving them my phone number, we called an Uber and left. I leaned on Eddie and looked up at him.

     "Eddie...that coyote it changed. It looked like a Hell Hound. It's skin went red and black. It almost looked like V." I felt V make a link between us three.

Red and black you say...fuck. Shit I knew that smelt familiar.

     "What is it Ven?"

I think...there's another symbiote on Earth. And it's my offspring...Carnage.

      We quickly got out of the car as it arrived back at my apartment. Another symbiote. That's what that was. But why did it find and attack me? Out of everyone else on the planet. I opened the door to a pacing Kas.

      "Y/n! Oh thank gods you're okay. We got back and saw your note, but when you weren't back soon I tried to call you. Where's Hercules?" I felt my eyes start to water again as I hugged Kas.

      "H-he's at the animal hospital. A random stray attacked us on our way home. We got him there as quick as possible but they have to keep him overnight. Just in case..." she held me tight as we sat on the couch. Eddie pulled the frozen pizza's out of V, who was disguised as a backpack.

     "I saved these from earlier. Want me to cook them?" I nodded as I curled up on the couch. Kas tried to distract me from what was going on with some video games. It helped me relax for a bit. After eating I got a message from the hospital that Hercules was doing well. I am buying him so many treats and toys after I get paid.

Eddie's POV

     What do you mean another symbiote on Earth. I thought life killed the other two. Plus we took down riot. So out of the four symbiotes on that rocket you should be the only one left. And what did you mean your offspring.

Back on my home planet you didn't have to have a mate to reproduce. Carnage, my child, must have somehow made it off planet and arrived here. Wait...that's where I had heard that before. Cletus Cassidy. He said "there's going to be Carnage". That's what he meant. Cassidy must be carnage's host.

     I quickly checked my phone to see if Cassidy had escaped. There was nothing. If this other symbiote, Carnage, has Cassidy as a host...why was it in a dog. And far far away from the prison where Cassidy was being held. The only news was that a few bodies had been found around the city. All lacking organs.

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