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-the past-

"Minnie if you keep sipping your juice like that you won't have anymore clean dresses"

"Sorry Jin unnie"

As both of the girls finished their mid day tea,well..juice, another little girl joined. She was younger that the two.

"Minnie and jinnie unnie! Can we play now?"

Jin stood up from her seat and hugged her little sister.

"Soon, Eomma said that all three of us need to go to dress fitting for your birthday"


Jin smiles

"And after that we'll play whatever you want"

"Promise?" Tae raised her little pinky, it may seemed childish but to the Kim sisters, it was the most loyal way to keep a promise.



"How much?"

"Just three more hours, hun" the dressmaker said. She stood back and wrote down what type of cloth she would use for her dress.

"Ok, princess Jin please step up"

Jin walked up to the step and extended her arms. Taehyung puffed her cheeks and pouted.

"Being a princess is boring" taehyung said as she sat on a chair. Jimin, her sister was spinning around.

"Girls, come to Eomma"

The three girls ran to her and the dressmaker bowed.


"Oh how are my beautiful girls?"

"I'm bored Eomma" taehyung said with puppy eyes and a pout. The queen giggled, taehyung was always needed to be entertained.

"Just a few more hours" the queen said leaving a kiss on the cheeks of her daughters.

"My queen" the dress maker bowed, "the dresses will be done in a day and a half. Just in time before young princess Taehyung's birthday"

The queen smiled and bowed

"Thank you, you may go back to work"

"Yes my queen" the woman bowed and went to design the dresses.

"Momma can we go play now?" Jimin asked

"Yes darling" Jimin and taehyung ran out to the garden, since it has been watered, it was time for mud pies.

Mean while Jin was spending some mother daughter time.


"Yes darling?"

"...when do you know you like someone?"

The queen smiled to herself, her little daughter was having her first crush. Soon it would be jimin's turn, then Taehyung's.

"Well, for started my little worldwide cutie, you heart beats crazy fast, when you see her or him, butterflies are everywhere"

Jin nodded she looked out to the garden to see her sisters making mud persons and mud pies. And walk far away cutting the lawn was the boy she liked, he was only a year younger but he was smart and funny and he has cute dimples.

"You like the gardener's son? It's ok, go get him kitten"

Jin smiles and hugged her mother. She has seen and read stories where the daughter was a princess and the queen would try to set her up with someone their level.

"Thank you mommy"

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