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It's been about four weeks since taehyung had felt nauseous. Hoseok decided to take her to the hospital since everyone thought it was just a cold or something.

Right now they were waiting in the waiting room of the clinic. Taehyung was leaning against hoseok's shoulder.

"Let's just go home hobi"

"No honey, you need to get your nauseas checked out"

"I'm pretty sure it's nothing, c'mon" taehyung said whining.

"Kim taehyung?" A nurse called both taehyung and Hoseok stood up and walked towards the nurse who took them to a room.

The Nurse began to check Taehyung's blood pressure, heart rate, temperature. After that she asked question about her sexual life or any family history.

"Well, my last sexual interaction was about four weeks ago. After that I haven't had any sexual interactions"

The nurse nods, she finishes writing down information.

"Alright, a doctor will see you soon ok?"

Both Hoseok and taehyung thank the nurse. The nurse walks out. Taehyung sighs and closes her eyes.

"You ok baby?"

"Yea...I'm just nervous"

The doctor knocked and walked in. Both of them bowed and the doctor bowed back. The doctor began to examin taehyung and asked her more questions.

"Ok I will need you to pee in this cup and we need a blood sample. Let's get the blood sample that way you'll be able to pee"

They walked to another room. A nurse was there getting everything ready. Taehyung was told to sit down and squish a ball she was given while they drew blood from her.

"Alright that's it. Now please pee in the cup, bathroom is right there" the nurse said pointing towards the bathroom. Taehyung bowed and went to the bathroom


Right now they were grabbing something to eat. They were told to come back in the next day.

Taehyung and Hoseok decided to eat at Panda Express since taehyung likes Panda Express.

"Panda Express! Wooh! Panda Express! Wooh! Panda Express! Wooh!"

Taehyung kept chanting while walking towards the place. Hoseok just smiled at his cute and adorable girlfriend.

After getting their food, taehyung wanted to eat at hoseok's since the castle was further from where they're at.

On the way taehyung wanted to cry since she didn't get an egg roll.

"I'll give you mine"

Taehyung shook her head

"I want an Egg roll"

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