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Jin was putty all the kids to sleep. First she put Nani since she was easiest, then she put kookie to sleep. She smiled when she heard his little "big boy" voice as he read.

Well, he didn't go by the story...he created a story based on the images.

"And the lady bug wanted candy but mama ladybug said no" kookie continued. She smiled when he would do the little baby bug voice.

They heard a knock on the door. Namjoon stepped in the room and saw Jungkook Tun up to him.

"Hi daddy"

"Hi kookie, are you ready to sleep?" Little kookie shook his head.

"C'mon. How about this...if me and mommy stay with you for a little bit, will you try to fall asleep?"

He saw kookie pretending to think, he placed him on the bed and both of them sat with him.

"Deal" he said extending his little pinky, both of his parents linked their pinkies and kissed it.


Jin and Namjoon were walking inside the castle. Hand in hand. They stopped in a room fool of pictures. It was pictures of past kings and queens, then it was Namjoon and Jin with a portrait of Jungkook in the middle of them, Jimin and Yoongi with a picture of Mina in the middle of them, and they saw a picture of taehyung, she was smiling bright.

"You know, I Hope Hoseok asks taehyung to marry him. They would make a good king and queen"

Jin said to Namjoon. He kept looking at the picture of him and Jin in their wedding. Jin has a beautiful white dress. He could see the love in their eyes.

"You looked so beautiful" Namjoon said

"Oh, so I don't look beautiful now?"

He chuckled. Jin was aware of her food looks. He pulled her for a kiss and both of them enjoyed the moment.

"You will always look beautiful"

Both of them heard little feet running towards them, they was Jungkook in his Ironman pjs with his Ironman sleepers.

"I thought we put you to sleep" Namjoon said

"I had to potty, and then I heard mommy say she wasn't beautiful" he stopped and asked his mommy to pick him up.

"You are beautiful mommy" he left a small kiss in he cheeks.

"Well thank you my baby"

She put Jungkook down and saw him running back to his room.

Jin looked at Namjoon.

"Thank you for giving me a wonderful baby" she said kissing Namjoon's lips.

"Thank you for carrying our wonderful baby"

The princess.  Vhope ff ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now