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About two months have passed. Taehyung has been getting sick, so the only thing that came to her mind was either food poisoning or she's pregnant..

She went to the doctor to see what was going on.

"You're pregnant my queen"


Taehyung walked in the castle with the papers that prove she was pregnant. She walked to the living room where Jackson was drinking wine.


"Uh uh.. it's?"


Jackson stood up and walked around taehyung, surrounding her like a predator does to a prey.

"What is it my darling?"

Taehyung didn't like the way Jackson would call her...with venom in his tone.

"Here...read this"

Jackson took the papers from Taehyung's hand. From the face expression he was making, she could tell that he wasn't happy.

"A baby?! A mother fucking baby?"

"Y-Yea. You left me pregnant-"

Jackson slapped taehyung. Taehyung was holding her cheek. She cornered taehyung into a wall and started choking her.

"J-jack I-I can't-" taehyung gasped for air. Suddenly the door opened to reveal little Jungkook he and Mina.

"Auntie Tae-"

Jackson stoped what he was doing. The kids were a bit scared from what they witnessed.

"M-mommy wants to see you"

The princess.  Vhope ff ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now