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The family including Hoseok was having a nice brunch outside hoseok's patio. Jin was sitting down in the chair trying to reach for her drink that was placed in the table. Jimin was cutting food with taehyung inside in the kitchen. The kids were running around making sure Nani was still behind them. And the men were having a rapping contest while pouring gasoline on the charcoal.


"So Tae, how are things between you and Hoseok?"

Taehyung smiled.

"Amazing, he's such a gentleman and I love him. And I think Nani also loves him" taehyung giggles. She looks outside to see Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok pretending to be rapping in front of a crowd. She smiles and continues to cut the meat.

"So...is Mina going to be your only daughter or are there going to be more babies on the way?"

"Well me and Yoongi have been talking about and...we're actually trying" she said wiggling her eyes at taehyung.



Everyone was eating, and surprisingly it tasted great...and not burnt. Jin got up to serve herself some lemonade but started to have really bad pain in her lower abdomen.

She started yelling in pain, Namjoon stood up and helped him walk to the car, Yoongi and jimin went with them so they left the kids with Hoseok and taehyung.


Taehyung was putting the kids in the bed and getting them ready for bed. She laid , Nani, Mina and jungkook. Nani liked sleeping with her cousins.

"Auntie Tae? Do you think I will have a brother or sister?"

"Hmm, i don't know"

"I don't care what it is, I will love my baby sibling forever"

Taehyung smiled, she kissed all the kids in their foreheads and covered them. She walked out after saying goodnight. She heard music playing so she walked towards the practice room.

She looked inside the practice room but didn't find Hoseok there, so she followed the music which lead her to the weight room.

There he was, doing some sit ups. She walked to him and sat on is lap.

"Hi baby"

"Hi hobi, whatcha doing?"

"Sit ups But I'm done"

Taehyung got off his lap and helped him stand up, she tried so hard to not to look at his soaking shirt but it was too late

The princess.  Vhope ff ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now