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"Hang it more to the left"

"No to  the right"

"More up...perfect"

Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin were decorating hoseok's living room for his welcome back party.

When Jimin and Yoongi went to drop off Nani and nari to the hospital, Jimin asked taehynng for hoseok's house keys. Taehyung asked why, but Jimin didn't say anything.

Yoongi and Namjoon were hanging stuff, Jin was baking a cake and cooking delicious food, Jimin inflated balloons.

Jimin was now two months and two weeks. Soon her body would be changing to prepare for the baby.

"So Jimin, how have you been?"

"Well, I guess I've been doing good"

"And Mina?"

"She's doing well too"

Jimin finished inflating the last balloon and tied the end of the balloon.

"And what about you?"

That question caught Jimin off guard.

"W-well I've been ok I guess"

Jin stopped cooking and looked at Jimin. She knew her little sister was kind of off.

"Is something wrong with you and Yoongi?", Jimin chuckled and shook her head no, "Everything is fine, I'm just worried about Tae"

"It's ok she'll be fine, besides, Hoseok is a really strong man"


Taehyung opened the door and helped Hoseok walk inside carefully.

Once they're inside they turn on the light of the living room since the sun was already setting. Soon, their family jumped up with happy smiles and yelled "surprise!" Making Hoseok smile.

"Wow! This is for me?" He asked smiling.

"Of course it is" Jin said walking towards him.

Everyone took turns on hugging Hoseok. After that, they go to the dining area and prepare their stomachs for some delicious home cooked meals from Jin. She had also made pizza for the kids.

After eating they all played games that did not involved a lot of physical activity.

Night rolled in and the kids were tired. The kim family and the Min family had finally gone home.

Taehyung put the girls to sleep while Hoseok brushed his teeth.

Taehyung closed the door of the girls room and walked to hers and hoseok's room. She sat in bed while she waited for Hoseok.

Hoseok walked out of the bathroom and smiled when he saw Taehyung.

"Hi honey" he said Laying down.

Taehyung made sure to cover Hoseok with the cover and make sure he was all warm and cozy.


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