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Hoseok paced back and forth as the royal doctor checked taehyung. Jin and jimin were on their way along with their husbands.

"So she fine, she fainted due to stress and emotional pain. When she wakes up make sure she drinks lots of fluids"

"Alright, thank you doc...Uh how much is i-"

"Don't worry, the queen sent me here"

"I'd still like to pay"

"I'll leave it around 100,000won"

Hoseok payed and the doctor left, Hoseok looked at Taehyung's sleepy face.

He sighed and leaned down to leave a kiss on her forehead

He sighed and leaned down to leave a kiss on her forehead

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"Please be ok"


Taehyung woke up alone in Taehyung's and hoseok's shared bed. She got up slowly and looked around the dim  lit room. She managed to stand up and walk to the living room to see where Hoseok was.

"Hoseok left me..." taehyung said as she walked slowly.

Once she stepped foot on the living room, everyone looked at her. The firsts to run up to her where her sisters. Jin and jimin pulled her for a hug. Taehyung wouldn't stop searching for Hoseok.

"Hoseok did leave me..." taehyung said in a whisper, but her sister heard her.

"No he didn't, he went to the pharmacy, sweetie"

Taehyung was being taken to the kitchen to drink some water when Hoseok went inside.

"So I bought the medicine and some Gatorades since they have energy things.." hoseokblooked up to see taehying looking at him. Hoseok cleated his throat and walked to wards the kitchen island.

"I'm glad you're awake" Hoseok said giving taheyung so water and pill. Taheyung pases the pill down and drank some more water.

"Um...thank you"

Jin noticed the tension.

"It's best if we leave you two alone. I'm glad you're ok now"

Jin said as she left a kiss on Taehyung's forehead. The kings and queens left. Both of them just stayed there awkwardly. Taehyung started at her hands and let the tears flow down her cheeks.

"I really am sorry hobi" taehyung said

"I'm glad you're ok now, you had me worried" Hoseok said as he shifted awkwardly.

"Hobi...please forgive me" taehyjngbsaid ash she hugged Hoseok. Hoseok wanted to hug her bad but he laid his hands still.

"I'm really sorry. I'm such a fuck up, I mess up everything...please forgive me"

Hoseok finally hugged her and let some tears down.

"I forgive you Tae..."

"Thank you hobi..."

Taehyung smiled into the hug as she felt Hoseok hug her back

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