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"daniel you've got to stop pacing around we'll figure this out". jonah rolled his eyes at the young boy who was freaking out about his parent's reaction.

he spent the whole day thinking about what his parents would do when they found out and he couldn't take it. the thought of being a disgrace to his mom destroyed him on the inside.

"how jonah, how can we possibly tell them that their sons are dating? it would break my mom's heart if she found out. i mean what would she think of her only son is in love with his stepbrother?". daniel stopped pacing and plopped down on the bed next to jonah with a sigh. his eyes began filling up with tears.

"i-i don't know but trust me we'll be okay, as long as we have each other". he grabbed the younger boy and pulled him closer to him. he took his small hand in his and squeezed it gently.

daniel gave him a weak smile and placed his head onto his boyfriend's chest. "i really hope so".


"daniel wake up their home". jonah tried waking up daniel for 10 minutes now because he needed to pee.

"huh?" daniel snuggled closer to jonah taking in his warmth.

"our parents they're home you gotta get up" he shook the boy lightly until he groaned and sat up.

"can a boy get some sleep around here" he got up and walked out the door dragging his feet behind him.

jonah chuckled and headed to the bathroom only to be met with his father.

"hey jo how was school?" he asked with a smile.

"well gotta go" he brushed past his father and rushed into the bathroom.

finally relieving himself he washed his hands and walked out. daniel came out of his room rubbing his eyes. can he get any cuter?

jonah shook his head and walked downstairs heading to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"jonah you know you're too young for that stuff" keri commented and jonah rolled his eyes.

"oh come on its just one cup" he whined and stuck out his bottom lip making keri laugh.

"okay fine you big baby just one" she turned back to her phone.

once he was finished making it he set it down turning to the cabinets to find bread. when he turned around he found daniel drinking his coffee.

"hey hey hey what are you doing" he grabbed the cup away from his hands and frowned.

"if you wanted it so bad you wouldn't have left it all alone waiting to be consumed" daniel giggled and took the cup back.

"oh no, you don't" before jonah could grab him daniel zoomed off with the cup.

jonah ran after him dodging multiple objects. until he finally caught up to him by that time the cup was already empty and daniel was full of energy.

jonah smirked when he saw daniel run into his room not closing the door behind him.

he walked into the room and locked the door slowly making his way over to daniel who was backing up against the bed.

he pushed daniel onto the bed and straddled him. he began tickling him nonstop demanding the boy apologize for taking his coffee.

"o-okay okay i'm s-sorry i'm sorry stop tickling me ahaha" he couldn't handle the tingling he was feeling so he gave in.

jonah eventually stopped and showered the boy in kisses before getting off of him. i could never stop loving this boy, jonah thought as he stared at the love of his life.

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