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eben eventually went home leaving the three boys by themselves. jonah was still shaking from the encounter with his dad and daniel was trying to comfort him.

jonah didn't want to face his father because he was afraid of what would happen. keri left with timothy to calm him down since she was scared of what he might do to jonah.

"jonah it's going to be okay he just needs to calm down you're going to be fine" corbyn rubbed jonah's back and he nodded.

"i-i just didn't know what to say, i didn't want to out our relationship to them. i've never seen him that mad before." by now jonah had bruises on his face and stomach from his father's lesson.

he winced every now and then as the pain lingered on his skin. daniel had never seen jonah in pain and so weak and it saddened him.

"i hate to bring this topic up again but how do you think he's gonna react when he finds out about you guys?" corbyn asked the two boys knowing this topic had to be talked about.

the wedding is happening in less than a week and they still didn't have any clue. daniel shrugged his shoulders and jonah's eyes widened but he stayed silent.

jonah sat on the bed letting all the possible scenarios run through his head which eventually gave him a headache. he got up and went downstairs to get some medicine.

he saw his dad in the kitchen and immediately turned back around to the stairs. "jonah" timothy called him making him stop in his tracks.

he turned back around to his father with fear written all over his face. he waved him over to the kitchen and jonah slowly walked towards him.

"y-yes?" he swallowed harshly as he stood face to face with timothy. he frowned at his son's appearance he didn't mean to hurt him he just wanted him to talk.

"i'm sorry son i didn't mean to hurt you i just got really frustrated. you've been acting really weird since we told you about the wedding and i've been really stressed."

oh, you have no idea jonah thought but he stayed silent. timothy sighed and continued to speak.

"you have to understand that you lashing out on that kid for no reason made no sense at all. so when i tried to get the answer from you and you stayed silent i blacked out." timothy sat down.

"I HAD A REASON!" jonah yelled at his father making him flinch. he gripped his forehead as his headache got worse.

he reached for the medicine that was on the counter but timothy grabbed it before he could. "what was it?"

"i-i can't tell you and if i do i don't want to know how you'd react." jonah was nervous again as he saw his father's grip on the bottle tighten.

timothy noticed the boys look and calmed down. "jonah i need you to tell me the reason so we can solve this and move on"

"oh my god can you just leave it alone it happened already jeez!" jonah huffed and turned around to walk away only to be grabbed by his father. timothy wrapped his hand around jonahs wrist and pulled him towards him.

jonah was now terrified of his father and as much as he tried to pull away his grip only grew stronger. "i'm getting sick and tired of your disrespect young man."

"you're hurting me" jonah was trembling at this point as he couldn't recognize the man standing in front of him.

you're going to tell me what i need to know even if i have to-"

"timothy let him go!" keri yelped she ran over to them and separated the two. she checked to see if jonah was okay before giving him medicine and a first aid kit.

jonah thanked her and rushed upstairs. he opened the door to see corbyn and daniel laughing hysterically. he smiled weakly at them and sat down.

"hey you okay?" corbyn noticed how off jonah was.

"y-yeah i'm fine"

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