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there was now 42 hours left until the wedding and daniel was freaking out. he was pacing back and forth across jacks living room.

all of the boys were sitting on the couch trying to figure out a plan. jonah's leg was bouncing up and down as he thought about possible scenarios.

"well we could tell them that you can't stand each other and you don't want them to get married." zach suggested.

daniel looked at him like he was crazy. "you do realize that if we say that we wouldn't be able to hang out and be together? i'm not going through that." zach sighed.

"oo how about you tell them the truth?" corbyn said sarcastically. jack nodded and so did zach.

"i don't wanna" daniel pouted. he was pulled onto jonahs lap and he snuggled up against him.

"we can't do that, what will they think of us?" jonah added.

"well, what will they think of you if you lie to them and they find out?" corbyn looked at them waiting for an answer. daniel sighed and gathered his thoughts.

he looked up at jonah. "we gotta tell them jo" jonah looked at him then back at the boys.



"boys come down for dinner"

daniel was fixing his hair and clothes and jonah was putting his shirt back on. the two were just in the middle of a steamy make-out session before they were called.

they rushed downstairs and took their seats at the table. they began eating and a few minutes in daniel cleared his throat and kicked jonah's foot.

he motioned to his parents signaling for jonah to start. "dad, keri we have something to tell you" jonahs voice was shaky which made both parents concerned.

"what is it honey?" keri asked.

"well um.... me and daniel are um" jonah choked up his words and daniel had to take over.

"we're dating" daniel blurted out. jonah grabbed daniel's hand and put them on the table.

keri's eyes widened and timothy's jaw clenched. "YOU'RE WHAT!!" he yelled and slammed his fists on the table. the china shook and so did the two boys.

"dad please don't do this" jonah pleaded as his father towered over him and daniel. he was picked up by his father and dragged across the room.

"mom stop him!" daniel screamed and keri just stood there she snapped and started screaming at daniel.


"mom i'm s-sorry i know i-i should've told y-ou" his eyes teared up as keri shook her head at him.

"yeah you should've but you didn't. i'm so disappointed in you, i raised you better than this" keri sighed and walked past her son.

daniel was choking on his sobs and he fell to the ground. it was getting hard for him to breathe as his body turned against him.

meanwhile, jonah was getting his ass handed to him by his father. he was being thrown left and right. he was receiving kicks, punches, and slaps all over his body.

he was now coughing up blood and trying to catch his breath. timothy picked up his son by his throat and pushed him up against the wall.

jonah kept clawing at his father's hands but it was no use. his vision was fading and he was losing oxygen.

timothy squeezed tighter as his eyes grew dark. jonah could've sworn he saw a demon instead of his loving father before his body went limp.

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