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Sorry not sorry about the image.

"Goodmorning Ko!" I greeted my babysitter with a smile as he entered the house.

"I'll be going now. Behave." Izuru glared at me before the door shut completely, leaving me and the albino alone again like yesterday.

"What would you like to do today?" The boy tilted his head in curiosity as he joined me on the sofa.

"I have a couple of questions like yesterday. Is it possible to like both genders?"

Komaeda just chuckled and looked at me in the eyes, "Do you happen to have your eyes on someone? And yes, have you ever heard of the term bisexual?"

"Oh, I've heard of it before, but I don't really know if I like them.. I mean, I do have Nanami, right?" My eyes darted off to the side.

"Well sometimes they aren't the right person and you have to find someone else." He shrugged and I turned on a basketball game where it was The Monokumas vs The Usamis.

"Oh." I watched as The Monokumas dominated in victory and half time then started. My mind then clicked and I decided to bring up the topic from yesterday, "Hey, I heard the fight with the boys."

Ko's eyes widened in fear, "U-uhm, it's fine. Nothing happened that you should be concerned with." He put his hands up in defence with a drop of sweat riding down his face.

"I heard the whole thing." I kept a straight face and my words sounded stern, "Why were they talking like that to you?!" I shouted without thinking.

"...It would be pretty normal, I mean.. who would accept trash like me." A half smile crept up his face, but it felt forced in many ways.

"Answer my question! I'm worried about you!" My arms were now on his shoulders and our faces stood only inches apart but I didn't care, all that mattered was that he sput out the truth.

"They..just..." he seemed like he was about to cry so I let go of him and watched in silence as he struggled to form a sentence. "They.. thought I was just.. some creepy dude trying to steal you from Chiaki..."

"Why would they think that?" I question, overwhelming him again, "Ah.. sorry."

"No, it's fine, I should be apologizing. I gave off the wrong vibe-" I cut him off by pulling him into a hug, my arms wrapping around his stomach and pulling him close by suprise.


I didn't speak a word to him, I just let silence speak for itself. I could feel his light breaths on the back of my neck.

"I'll... have a talk with them later, k?" I backed away a little bit and saw Komaeda's face.

"I won't stop you." He bit his lip and stood.

"Tomorrow is a Monday so I'll see them at school." I examined the sun rays that beamed through the window.

"Oh, your brother also signed me papers for me to go to your school so I can protect you." Ko rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess I'm more of a bodyguard now."

"Geez, how far does he have to go?" I groaned.

Then silence overwhelmed us and all we could do was stare, but it would be awkward if either if us looked at eachother.

"Hey, about those questions you had... Do you happen to bisexual?" Komaeda asked, for some reason with pink cheeks. I didn't think he had a fever though.

"I'm still not sure, but maybe." I looked him in the eyes with a flustered look. Why would he want to know?

"Since I told you, are you bisexual?" I questioned him and he suddenly got a little nervous.

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