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Since it was the weekend, I got the chance to hang out with Komaeda since his release from the hospital. Though something still felt a little off, like I forgot something. I began to think back to why Ko went to the hospital. The hanahaki disease, right? And because the victim feels their love is one-sided, they would cough up petals. And Komaeda's crush was-

Oh shoot. I realized what I had forgotten.

"Uh, Komaeda?" I titled my head to face him who seemed unusally quiet.


"You remember how you told me about the hanahaki disease you had and everything?" I started and Ko nodded slowly, "Well is it true that you have feelings for me?" I questioned him.

His face turned red to the point it wasn't possible to not see it. "I-I... You kinda already knew so there's no point in hiding it. I'm sure you wouldn't care for someone as lowly as me."

"See? That mindset is why you got the disease!" I pointed at him, his eyes widening.

"What do you mean..?" he tilted his head slightly.

"Because of the way you think, you wouldn't understand the fact that I.. I like you too!" I shouted at him. He almost fell off the sofa from suprise.

He shyly looked up at me and blushed, probably from all the attention that was driven to him at the moment. He was about to cough and I was prepared to see petals, but nothing came out. "Huh..?" he held out his hand, it was completely empty. "The disease. It's gone." he looked up at me and a smile began to grow on his face. 

"It's gone!" I hugged him tightly and I could hear him sniffling in my ear, probably crying. 

"I-i'm glad.." he replied. We pulled away from eachother and Komaeda spoke up again, "That must mean you really love me too."

"Ah, uhm." I turned away with my face burning hot, "Possibly."

"You can be so stubborn sometimes," Komaeda reached out to touch my hand, but took his back. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in reassurance, "So does this mean we're..?" he glanced at me slightly.

"Yeah I guess." I smiled back at the boy and we sat like that for a while before we both fell asleep on each other.

I woke up to the sound of footsteps and noticed it was Izuru's, "I didn't mean to wake you up," he noticed me quickly.

"It's fine," I replied quietly and I looked to my side and saw Komaeda leaning on me. It was cute to see his hair in his face while a little bit of drool went down his chin, "What were you doing?" I questioned him. 

"I just got home from a meeting. I need to use the computer for something." he seemd stressed for some reason, so I let him be. A few moments afterwards, the boy laying on me began to wake.

".. Ah! I-I'm sorry for invading your personal space like that! I should've been more thoughtful, after all, trash like me has no invitation to touch you-" he blabbered on again.

"Stop it." I grumbled and he looked up at me worringly.

"Stop what?" 

"The self talking stuff. You're not trash and that's final." I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. As soon as I opened them back up, Ko was tearing up.

"Are you okay? Don't cry!" I frantically waved my arms around in reaction to Ko's outburst.

"I've just never met someone as kind as you, Hinata-kun." he gave a true heartwarming smile, "Oh, is Kamukura-kun home?" he questioned me in which I nodded. 

He got up and went to a room, the same being the one Izuru went in. I waited for a while and Komaeda Izuru came out of the room together.

"Hajime, I have some news," Izuru started, "I quit my job because I wasn't earning as much as I would like, so I found a new job which allows me time at home." I nodded to show I was listening so he continued, "Which means Komaeda won't have to watch over you anymore." My heart broke to pieces and I snapped.

"What?" I smiled, "We will still see eachother at school, right?" 

"About that, I also have to transfer for political reasons." Ko bit his lip in regret and I stood there with a broken expression on my face, obviously hurt.

"Hajime, say goodbye, this is the last time you'll see him for who knows how long." Izuru nudged me forward to face Ko.

"I'm sorry." he frowned at me.

"Why? Why does it have to be like this? I need some time to think." I slammed my bedroom door shut, leaving the two behind. I hear some talking before the front door shut for good, sealing my fate. Was it already time to say goodbye to someone I was beginning to grow close to? Everything seemed perfectly normal before, then why the sudden change?

I wasn't gonna accept it, and I wouldn't allow it to end up this way either.

I'm gonna rescue my future.

Rip, that was kinda cheesy, well anyways, the next chapter will be the finale!

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