Switching Roles

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I quickly swung the cabin door open with Souda behind me, not really wanting to get involved. I noticed the other guys were starting to return too so I began to grow nervous.

"Hey, distract the others." I turned to him quickly and with a nod he went off. I turned to Ko who was pushing something under his bunk with the tip of his index finger. Something did seem off about how his sleeves seemed a little more wrinkled.

"W-what happened?" he sweated a little, but managed to keep a low profile.

"Well.. Souda said he saw you-" I started, but accidentally saw small drops of blood on the floorboards. "Where did this come from?"

"Why would I know?" Komaeda shrugged, wanting to get my suspicion away from him. I grabbed his arm in which he winced a little while I also pulled the sleeve up to reveal small cuts alligned on his arm. "I-it's not what it looks like!" he exclaimed, almost being on the verge of tears.

"Wait here." I said and grabbed a first-aid and began to wrap bandages around his arm, the blood still seeping through a little.

"Ouch.." I heard him muffle, but when I looked up at him, he just diverted my attention back to his arm, not wanting me to worry.

I then heard the doorknob click, Kuzuryuu walking in on us both. Dangit, I thought, Souda couldn't keep them busy.

"What the heck happened?" He scoffed, "Knowing someone like him, he probably was trying to seduce you or something so you tried to cut his arms off." I sympatheticlly looked at Komaeda who stared down at his bandages wrapped around his arms all the way up to his wrists.

"Why do you hate him so much?" I stood up the shorter boy, a major height difference between us.


"You don't even have a reason to." I placed my hands on my hips, feeling like Koizumi.

"Whatever okay?! I'm going to bed." he shouted before jumping in his bunk and turning his body to the wall.

"Ignore what he said, okay? I'm worried though, why would you do that? I don't want to tell Tsumuki if you don't want me to, but if it means keeping you safe, I will." I said in a hushed tone so Kuzuryuu couldn't hear our conversation.

"I'm just a bother, don't care about me." Komaeda's expresson darkened so I couldn't see his eyes, but I could easily tell he was upset. He walked out the door without giving a single glance. I stood there in shock, but then remembered what my goal was. It was to keep him safe.

"Komaeda! Where are you?" I called out for him. I had accidentally got off the trail and ended up in the middle of the forest so all I could see were trees surrounding me. I looked around desperately for the white haired boy. I turned around many times as if I were stuck in a maze. The sun was completely down and I couldn't see much. I sat down against a tree and closed my eyes, not caring about my surroundings but only wanting sleep.

I woke up to see a white ceiling.. wait what?-

"H-he's a-awake!" Tsumuki's face peered over me. I noticed other faces but they were too blurry to identify who was who. 

"W..where am I?" I lifted my head up, adjusting to the light in the room.

"E-everyone noticed you and K-komaeda were gone s-so we split up to look and found you. Right n-now you're in your cabin." Tsumuki explained to me as I recalled last night. 

"Wait- where's Ko?" I averted my attention back to the purple haired girl with a sad expression.

"We haven't found him yet.. I-I'm sorry! You can take your anger out on m-me!" She bowed, but I just gave her a small smile.

"It's fine." In my head, I was worried about him. If I never met him, he may have never cut himself, I probably caused him pain.

I then heard shouting that interrupted my thoughts, "Tsumuki!! Come here!" Multiple voice screamed. I decided to look at what was going on as well. While Tsumuki stumbled to the group, I finally saw it. Komaeda was slumped in Nidai's arms, asleep and all scratched up with multiple bruises on his face.

"Oh god!" I rushed over, blowing my cover.

"Yo Hajime, you good?" Owari flashed me a grin and I nodded, but stared at Ko, dozing off.

"H-hinata...kun..?" A weak voice floored through my ears. Of course, that was the nickname Ko gave me. He was asleep wasn't he? Then why was I hearing his voice? Only darkness surrounded me until I felt a hand on top of mine. 

"Komaeda? You're okay!" I hugged him, he flinched from the contact but quickly hugged back.

"I guess I really do suck at my job." he sighed and met my eyes, "You always protect me. I'm sorry." 

"Why'd you run off? What happened?"

"Well... I don't know, but for the bruises.." Ko bit his lip slightly, nudging his body to direct my attention to his damaged fist.

Then it hit me what he did, my eyes opening wider, "Why would you do that?" I cried.

"Don't cry.." he tried to comfort me, but the waterfalls just kept coming. I'm not sure why but at that moment, all I wanted to do is hold him close to me and make sure he never leaves me again, "I should stay away from you.. I'll tell Izuru and-"

I hugged him so tightly he backed up to his bunk and fell to the floor. "Please don't. I enjoy your company." I whispered to him in his ear. I saw his cheeks go red for a second, but when I blinked, it was like it never happened.

"O-oh... But uhm, can you get off me? I don't want the other to see you like this with trash." He mumbled and it was my turn to blush. I quickly stood up and dusted my pants, wiping my eyes with my arm. 

"Shut up, you aren't trash." I crossed my arms as Ko sat up on his bunk and took his green jacket off, revealing his bony arms, "When we get back to Hope's Peak, I promise you we will hang out." I gave him a reassuring smile. His face brightened up and with a nod, we sealed our fate.

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