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"Good morning." I waved to Ko who was dressed, but looked a little tired because lack of sleep.

"Komaeda, did you get enough sleep last night?" I peered at the grey bags under his eyes.

"Uhm.. kinda." he wiped his eyes and looked at me, "But we're supposed to be heading to your school, right?" He questioned and Izuru nodded.

"Make sure to watch over him, he gets into lots of trouble." Izuru crossed his arms and shot me a glare.

"Will do." Ko nodded and gave my brother a salute.

"Okay, good luck." You couldn't really see it, but he was worried.

As we made our way on the gravel sidewalk together. There was an awkward silence between us as we reached the school I go to called 'Hope's Peak'

"Here it is." I stood before the building and heard as Komaeda gasped.

"It's way larger than my old school, I'm so lucky." He smiled at me and continued to follow me. As we walked down the hallways, we could see and hear as students were whispering about Komaeda being a new student and all.

When we entered the classroom, everyone's attention directed towards both of us. Surprisingly, Miss Yukizome was already standing behind her podium, probably because she had already been informed of the news.

"Hello, you are the new student, correct?" The cinnamon haired woman gave a loving smile to Komaeda.

"U-uh, yes ma'am." He bowed, stuttering while trying to make a good first impression with the class.

"You don't have to be so formal, just call me Miss Yukizome and then may I call you Nagito?" She suggested and Komaeda gave a small nod. She looked to me and gave a gesture to say she would handle the rest so I hurried to my desk and took a seat.

"Would you look at that? It's the gay." I noticed Kuzuryuu scowl when he saw Komaeda. I ignored his remark and tried to concentrate on something else.

"Hey man, could you tell Komaeda I'm sorry, he probably won't listen to me." Souda groaned, hoping I wouldn't find out.

"I know what you guys did, I think he's gonna forgive you." I smiled at him.

"Thank goodness." He sighed in relief with his hand over his chest, "I guess I'll tell him later then." I watched as he sat down in his seat again.

"Good morning you rotten oranges! Today will be another great day! Anyways, we have a new student, place introduce yourselves." Miss Yukizome quickly spoke to us and let us introduce ourselves to Komeada even though I already knew him. But as people were talking in the classroom, I realized that I don't know much about him personally.

"Time for lunch break!" Miss Yukizome cut my thoughts off quickly before taking her leave. Students stood up and began to eat with others and start conversations. There was a crowd around Komaeda's desk though and I managed to get in through it to listen in.

"Where did you come from?" Asked one voice.

"Do you already know Hinata?" Another said.

"Oh my! Are you two dating?" One exclaimed.

"This guy is pig barf, get away from him."

"H-hiyoko, b-be nicer.."

I decided to get into the crowd a little more and push everyone away since Komaeda seemed to be overwhelmed with all the noise and attention. "Hey, back up! You're scaring him!" I stood in front of him while he lifted his head up a little bit from what I could see.

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