School Trip

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Sorry about posting a little behind schedule from last time, I had some trouble with writers block and I'm still fighting it so (mono)bear with me -^-

When my eyes flung open, I heard Izuru let Komaeda inside the house. Crap, I stil wasn't ready. I woke up late. I rushed to quickly put my clothes on and go meet Komaeda outside my room.

"Sorry for taking so long!" I shouted and Komaeda directed his attention to me, giving a carefree smile.

"Are we ready then?" He held the door open for me and I walked through as he followed, releasing his hand from the door.

As we entered the classroom, many people stared at us, disgusted. I glanced over to Kazuichi who stood a couple feet away from me. All he did was shrug, also oblivious to the situation.

I walked up to Chiaki who was playing on her device, "Chiaki, do you know what's going on?"

She looked up at me sadly, "Saionji started spreading rumors that since you and Komaeda seem so close, she assumed you were dating." Before I could react, Chiaki placed her hand on mine, "Don't do anything reckless."

I sighed and made my way to Saionji who was giggling with Koizumi.

"Saionji, did you spread rumors about me and Ko?" I crossed my arms as she looked up at me.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." She smirked at me and made a hand movement, telling me to shoo.

"Well can you atleast tell people their not true?" I complained and felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned my body and saw Komaeda shaking his head disapprovingly with a weak smile.

"It's okay, you'll find a way. You're hope is stronger than the despair." He explained.

"What? Uh, never mind." I groaned as I sat down at my desk and people started to storm around me.

"Are the rumors true?"

"Are you actually dating that guy?"

"They aren't true, Saionji was lying to make you all think she hates gays while she's one herself with Koizumi." I told the crowd and they all gasped and started to conversate but move away.

"Alrighty class, today we're going on a school trip! You don't need anything so come outside and get on the bus!" Ms. Yukizome cheered and the whole class stood up, following behind her.

When we were all placed in seats, I sat next to the window while Komaeda was next to me. "The drive will probably take thirty minutes or so. Make sure to entertain yourselves!" The cinnamon haired female announced while she sat down near the front of the school bus.

Around five minutes had passed and I dozed off while looking at the window, many structures passing by. A light weight pressed against my shoulder and I realized Komaeda had fallen asleep against my shoulder. I smiled at him. He really did look peaceful in his sleep. Wait, isn't that a little creepy? I shook the blush off my face and let his head fall to my lap. My eyes went from his face and then to his lips. They looked so perfect and I wondered what it would be like if I could press mine against his. It just resulted in me blushing after the thought. I then looked at his hair. Just for a second... I thought and nervously guided my hand to his hair. It felt so soft and fluffy, just how I imagined it. I continued to play with his hair until waking Komaeda up.

"H-hinata..?" His eyelids started to rise and my face was beginning to heat up like fire, "What w-were you?" He finally sat up straight. I did miss the feeling of his head on my lap, but I was too embarrassed to admit it.

"N-nothing!" I swallowed and stiffened up, closing my eyes so I wouldn't have to face him. When I opened my eyes, he was back in my lap.

"You want to play with my hair, right? You can." He smiled and then yawned shortly after, "I am still a little drowsy though.." I couldn't help but chuckle at his cuteness. I let my hand do what it wanted as it pressed his hair down and let it spring back up.

"Your hair is so fluffy.." I whispered, grabbing his attention and making him blush slightly.

"I guess.." he tried to close his eyes, but they remained open due to all the contact he was given.

"We're here!" A voice shouted, making me jump and Komaeda hit his head against my knees.

"Ouch.." he rubbed his cheek.

"Are you okay?" I looked at the red bruise that was starting to fade away.

"Don't worry about trash." He tried to give a sympathetic look, but I didn't buy it. I didn't really want to put up with his self loathing so I pulled him outside to where a bunch of cabins were placed.

"Now, this field trip will be about survival! You must work together to survive this camping trip! Also, the cabins are already split between boys and girls." Ms. Yukizome pulled out a sheet of paper that had a map of the campus and names next to each cabin.

After a while we all split up into cabin groups and put up all our belongings inside. I had called a top bunk while Ko got the one under me.

"Hey, I'm going to meet up with Souda." I swung my legs out the side of the bunk.

"O-oh, okay." Komaeda stuttered out and I gave him one last smile before I left the cabin behind.

"So, what do you need?" I questioned the pink haired boy.

He stared off to the side for a second, but returned to look at me. "Can we go on a walk? I kinda need someone to talk to." He sweatdropped while rubbing his arm.

"Okay.." I replied slowly. We began to walk down the pathway around the campsite.

"So what do you think of Hope's Peak?" He started.

"Well I mean, it's alright." I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked up at the dark sky.

"What do you think of Komaeda?"

"He's pretty cool."

"What would you do if you found out he was suicidal?"

"I would-" I stopped in my tracks. "Do you know something that I don't?"

"Huh? U-uh, why would I hide something f-from you? Ahah.." he waved his hands around quickly.

"You sound very suspicious." I lowered my gaze.

"Fine... Remember when he went off to the cabin while you stayed behind for a while?" He reminded me, in which I nodded in return.

"Well I kinda saw him cut his arms." Souda rubbed the back of his neck. My eyes widened and I shook his shoulders without warning.

"What do you mean maybe?! This is a serious discussion!" I shouted at him.

"I just saw it okay! Chill out! I guess Hiyoko was partly right, huh. You do like him." He turned away and closed his eyes.

My face turned beet red and I let go of him and crossed my arms. "I do not! I'm as straight as the pole your mom dances on!" I stated confidently.

"Hey, my mom doesn't do that! But are you sure Hajimeme?" He chuckled.

"What's with that nickname? Ugh, nevermind. I'm positive I don't like guys. Well, romantically that is." I explained to him.

"Well suit yourself." He sighed in defeat and turned back to me,"Let's head back."

"Yeah. That sounds good."

I wanted to push the reminder of Souda's warning out of my head, but I couldn't help but be worried for Komaeda's safety, then I realized it. I had left him alone, he could probably attempt something any second now.

Edit: Just checking to see if you guys see this part repeated 3 times because I do, along with the previous chapter

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