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Omg I'm so sorry for not posting, I normally update a lot more I swear, I've just been kinda stressed with all this school work so I've been pushing myself to continue writing this

A couple of days had passed since the camping trip incident. Everything seemed fine until Ko stopped coming to school with me or at all. It was like he completely disappeared from the world. One week flew by with Komaeda not by my side at all. I did admit I felt lonely, but I still had my friends.

"Izuru, do you know where Komaeda is?" I asked him when I was getting ready for school.

".." He seemed to be hesitating. He probably knew where he was, but just didn't want to tell me.

"I'll find him on my own then. Thanks alot." I grumbled before shutting the door and walking to school.

As I turned around the last corner, I bumped into someone, causing me to fall backwards. "Sorry-"

I looked at the person, "Ko?! Where have you been?" I stood up and helped him aswell. He seemed to be paler than normal.

"I've just been at the hospital, it's not much.." he gave a smile, but failed at it making me relieved.

"Let's just head to school, I'll talk to you about it later." I sighed. 

Once we made our way to the school, I sat down at my desk and everyone else mostly stared at Komaeda, who made his first appearence in a whole week.

"Holy frick! Where were you?" Souda ran up to Ko, shocking him to the fact that someone would be concerned about himself.

"I uh-" he couldn't mumble out a full reply so Souda took the hint and sat down.

After class, Komaeda ran off to the bathroom and it seemed a little fishy to me because of his nervous behavior. "Oh god, it's coming-" I heard a large amount of coughs coming from the bathroom. I couldn't help but barge in and see what was happening.

"Komaeda? HOLY!" I stepped backwards at the sight of Ko on the floor with petals all around him. "What happened?" I reached for him, but he smacked it away.

"You weren't supposed to see this." Tears were visibly running down his pale face while small parts of petals were stuck on his chin from coughing. "I have the worst luck." 

"What do you mean? Do you have the hanahaki disease?" I began to attach it all together. "Who is the one who like? I may help you." I tried to sympathize with the boy.

"I can't tell you. If I do, I may die." He mumbled and used the wall to stand up, but failed and fell back onto the tile floor.

"I'm gonna get Tsumiki." I pointed my thumb in a motion behind me, giving one passing glance before rushing to get aid.

I saw her walking in the hall so I ran up to her, almost frightening her. "Y-yes?"

"It's Komaeda," I explained and she widened her eyes in concern. "Come on, I'll lead the way." I started to run with the girl on my tail, tripping with each little step.

We stopped when Tsumiki finally reached Komaeda. She squealed in fright at the sight (Didn't mean to ryhme) of the boy still vulnerable on the floor.

"W-we need to get him to the h-hospital, now!" 

Once we arrived at the hospital, we were told by a doctor to stay in the waiting room. Even though Mikan tried to explain she was partly qualified as a nurse, they said it would still be safer for her to stay put.

While we waited for a report, Tsumiki reported our absences to the school. I was thinking about what Ko had said earlier, "You weren't supposed to see this."

I wonder why he was so upset, but all I knew was that he probably had the hanahaki disease. I didn't personally have much knowledge about the disease except for the fact when the victim hasn't confessed feelings for the one they love or are friendzoned. Something along those lines. I grabbed my phone and searched it up.

A disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.

"You may come in the room," A voice from the doctor interrupted my thoughts. Me and Tsumiki entered at the same time to see Komaeda in the bed, obviously uncomfortable.

"H-how are you f-feeling?" Tsumiki examined him nervously, but he was under the doctor's control, so he would be fine for a while.

"I... I'm sorry Hinata-kun, you must be digusted. I understand how you must feel." He still smiled at me, even in this situation.

"Disgusted is the last word I would ever use to describe how I'm feeling, Komaeda." I firmly put my hand on his, Ko jumping a little in the process.

"Mm." he turned his pink face away from me. I couldn't see anything other than me and Ko in that room. It was like Tsumiki never existed, but it showed me how serious I was about Ko's mental heath. I worried, and never stopped.

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