M̶y̶ Our Future

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I'm so sorry for not posting, i almost forgot about this story :((((

I ran as fast as my feet would let me as I rushed to the bus stop. Komaeda's bus would take him to somewhere new and made it so I wouldn't see him again. Of course I had different plans.

I had fallen asleep last night without thinking of a plan so I when I did wake this morning, I was in a rush to catch Komaeda before he would leave.

I saw a fluff of white in the distance and a smile grew on my face. Yes! I could catch up to him! I thought. I cut myself off when I noticed the bus heading to the stop. I bit my lip and yelled at my legs to keep running faster, but they ignored my commands.

"Komaeda!" I shouted and he turned around with a shocked look on his face that quickly turned to pity.

"Stop.." he looked down as passengers began to move onto the bus. I finally reached him and grabbed his hand.

"Don't go, we can sort out your political problems and so you can stay." I smiled and interlocked my fingers with his. Komaeda didn't return the gesture, as he looked down, then at the bus.

"I'm sorry, I can't," He let go of my hand and walked into the bus. Right before it drove off, I got on it recklessly and sat right next to Komaeda. "H-huh?" His face heated up when I sat down beside him.

"I don't care if I have school today, I'll skip. As long as I'm with you, I would do anything," I explained to him and he turned away quickly, avoiding my gaze, "H-hey, are you okay?"

He flinched to my touch but I turned him around, but for him to avoid eye contact. "Why are you so kind to me?" He questioned, "Why aren't you treating me like the trash I am?"

"Because I love you, remember?" Now it was my turn to blush a little. I was beginning to think I went a little too far, but snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of lips on my own. Before I could return it, Komaeda backed away.


"Okay, fine. I'll stay," He finally accepted and I mentally cheered.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Uhm, about that..," he scratched his cheek nervously and turned to the window, "How will we get back?"

(Time skip)

"I can't believe you. You can be so reckless, Hajime," Izuru frowned in disapproval in the center mirror of the car.

"Sorry, I just acted without thinking again." I scratched the back of my head. I turned to look at Komaeda and he was resting his head on my shoulder with a small smile on his face. I was glad that we could work things out after all.

(Another time skip)

The school bell rang again, waking me up from my trance, "Oh hey Nanami, aren't you going to lunch?" I looked at the pink haired girl.

"I decided to stay." she responded, not looking up from her console that showed a Mega Ampharos fighting a Mega Gyarados, "I wanted to have a conversation with you."

"About what?" I questioned her and she finally set the game down, my full attention directed towards her.

"How do you truly feel about Komaeda?" 

"What kind of question is that?" I chuckled but quickly realized she was being serious, "Well I really like him a lot, plus I'm dating him so I mean.."

"What I want to know is that do you plan on spending the rest of your life with him?" I stared at her for a moment. We were seniors now and the graduation ceremony would be held in about a month, so I began to think because I hadn't thought about my plans afterwards.

"I would like to." 

"You keep using the word 'like'..." she frowned.

"I-is that a bad thing?" I sweated and she sighed. I knew what she was talking about, but I decided to play dumb.

"You're not the best at displaying your feelings to Komaeda, you tsundere." she winked at me and I blushed in response to her nudging my shoulder.

"I am not!" I crossed my arms.

"Oh yeah? Then why haven't you made a move or started to use his first name?" her eyes were following my every move which made my whole body tense up.

"I don't know! He hasn't made a move either you know?"

"You know darn well he's not the assertive type. He thinks so lowly of himself to believe he could ever try something on you." she pointed out to me and I admitted defeat to the fact she was right.

"I guess." I looked out the window and stared at the cars flying by. I was caught off guard when I felt arms around me and a small bit of laughter from behind.

"Hi-na-ta-kun!" I smiled as I recognized the owner of the voice. Nanami was smirking and I looked at her with an angry blush on my face.

"What are you looking so smug about?!" I shouted and all she did was shrug and run off, but I could've sworn she gave a thumbs up before leaving the room, "She's so challenging," I mumbled and turned to Komaeda.

"Lunch is almost over and I was worried about you," he pouted cutely. I couldn't help but laugh at his face. 

"Geez, you can be so fragile. Oh, that reminds me," I had made a decision in my mind, but it was hard to actually bring myself to do it, "From now on I want to call you Nagito." I looked down and closed my eyes, scared of his reaction. I heard a sniffle noise and noticed he was crying. "Why are you crying?" 

"It's happy tears, don't worry," he smiled at me, "Nobody would ever want to call me by my first name because of how disgusting I am." he wiped his tears away as he talked.

"You aren't disgusting, I promise," I cupped his cheek in my hand.

I knew I just had to treat him the best I could until he realized that I appreciated him. Sometimes our roles were reversed in our old relationship as me being just a highschooler and Nagito being just some babysitter. Since then we've gone through many events together, the good and the bad. Just starting off with one job could change one's life without knowing it. That's why I wanted to treasure this moment, this life, and our future together.

Thank you all for reading this story, I've never really been confident with my writing skills because with my lack of self-esteem and so I'm very apprectiative to the fact that so many people take the time out of their day to read this trash. I enjoy writing even though I suck at it, so I don't plan on quitting for a while. I'm probably gonna take a small break because of school and all the stress being piled up on me. Anyways, thank you all again for reading this and I hope I'll see you in another story! <3

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