Returning Home?

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Wow okay, thanks for 300 reads already and I swear I'm trying my best to update when possible

Many activities were done at the camp and I was pleased to say the most. Some of the activities being very active and some being the complete opposite.

Today, we were supposed to return home and so we were instructed to follow the trail back to the bus so we could leave.

"Ouch.." I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see that Ko had accidentally fallen into a rose bush. He was covered in little spikes, some even being caught in his hair which I found a little cute.

"Are you okay?" I helped lift him up off the ground. He gave a small nod and shook off some of the little spikes from his hair, some still remaining.

"That kinda hurt.." he bit his lip slightly, "You don't have to worry about trash like me, go with the others. I can catch up."

"I can't just leave you, let me help." I plucked a small thorn out of his arm, it flying off in the distance.

"If you say so.." he looked away, probably feeling guilty for some unknown reason.

After a couple of minutes, all the thorns were gone so I stood back up and looked around for the bus.

"Uhmmm, Ko?"


"Where's the bus?"


"WE WERE LEFT BEHIND!" I screamed, started to have a panic attack.

"Calm down please.." I felt his hand wrap around my wrist, restraining me.

"Well what are we supposed to do?" I asked, trying to hold my tears back.

"We should just wait. They will notice sooner or later, I hope." He pulled me close to him, hugging me from behind.

"I... I guess."

Me and Ko went back to the cabins and pretty much just tried to comfort each other, but that still didn't keep me from worrying.

"Are you really okay?" Komaeda laid his head on my shoulder and angled himself to where he could still see me. I answered with a hum and stared up at the ceiling, "I want to be able to atleast do something helpful as your babysitter.."

"Don't word it like that, it's embarrasing." I blushed and playfully slapped the top of his head, in which he flinched.

A couple of minutes passed and I began to grow sleepy, so I ended up falling asleep beside Ko, leaving myself vulnerable to him.

When I woke up, I realized Komaeda had me trapped in his hug, making it so I couldn't move. I could feel his breath up against my neck as he pulled me closer like I was a teddy bear.

"K-komaeda, wake up." I whispered loudly, Ko shifting a little in return.

"H-huh..? A-ah! Hinata-kun, I'm so sorry!" he covered up his face in embarrasment, letting me go in which I accidentally lost my balance and fell on top of him, causing him to tumble out of the bunk. We ended up in a position where I was in a crawling state above him.

We stayed like that, staring at eachother with blushes filling our faces. I then snapped back to reality and backed up a little, clearing my throat.

"I'm sorry! Trash like me-"

"Hey, it's fine. I pretty much caused the fall." I sighed even though I knew what he was referring to. "Let's go to the cafeteria because I think they still have leftover food." I suggested and so we got up and made our way there.

There was enough food for about 3 days which is plenty enough before people come look for us. I grabbed a bagel for the both of us and handed it to Komaeda.

"Thanks.." he look downwards. He seemed a little off today, probably concerning our situation. I then squeezed his hand on top of the table. When Ko noticed, he blushed a little and directed his attention to a noise outside.

"Do you hear something?" I questioned. He nodded and so when we finished our food we headed outside.

Awating our return, a bus stood before us. Ms. Yukizome hopped out of the bus and smiled. "Have fun?"

"Ahaha.... Yeah." I gave an awkward smile. 

"Sorry we left you two behind, now you both get your bags. Time to actually go back." She laughed at herself. To escape the teacher's awkward wrath we quickly grabbed our stuff and got on the bus.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed before going 100mph down an empty road, each bump making me and Ko collide. Even though I saw Ko doze off a little, he would snap out of it each time we accidentally touched shoulders.

After the really unsettling ride back, we were suddenly inside the classroom staring at everyone else.

"Hey Hinata! Wait- Where were you?" Souda ran up to me but suddenly stopped. 

"The bus kinda left without us.." I sweatdropped and he laughed.

"That's hilarious!" He slapped his leg with laughing.

"Okay class, let's get back to work. Hinata, Komaeda, I'll fill you both in on the work we've been doing." 


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