"Hello again, Hinata-Kun"

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Mikan suddenly rushed out of the room because of an important phone call, so I was left in  the hospital room with Komaeda. It made me wonder how all of these events even occured just because of Izuru getting me a babysitter.

One day he suddenly announced that he got someone to apparently watch over me. Even though Izuru wasn't one to show emotions much, he still worried about me a little too much. He would always get after me for minor things like tripping over a crack in the sidewalk.

When I first met Komaeda, it was kinda awkward being the situation we were both in. I normally brung up a topic, but it didn't usually last long, silence overwhelming us again.

After all the akwardness, we started to become more close and I realized Komaeda went to the same school as me. We went on a field trip where we were then left behind and then found again, bringing us back to school. Of course, Ko didn't appear until a week later and I figured out he has the hanahaki disease for some reason.

What a strange situation to end up in just because of Izuru who seems to be a third wheel or something to me and Komaeda.

Now, here I was, in a room with Ko who has a disease, not knowing what I should do, all the way back then.

"I'm sorry I'm boring. We never have anything to talk about." I heard his voice even though it was barely audible from all his coughing before.

"It's not your fault at all, you're sick, you shouldn't be complaining about matching to my expectations." I gave him a reassuring smile and put my hand on his, making his face heat up. I questioned it for a moment, but sighed, "So will you be giving me a hint about your disease? I know what it is, but I want to figure out who your crush is and help." 

"I can't say, no matter how many times I would try to do something and drop a hint, I would think they wouldn't take it. I've never tried to make a move on them because I'm too worried it would mess up our.. they probably wouldn't like me as a friend anyways.." 

"Why's that?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"I don't know, I would think they would be disgusted in me. Their friends probably dislike them because of me." Ko sighed and looked down. At that moment, I finally realized who it was. "You look like you know it is." he acknowledged and gave a small smile.

"It's... me."

The time when Hanamura and Kuzuryuu threatened Komaeda, all the times Ko's called himself trash. It all connected. I felt so guilty in that moment. Because of me, someone I care about- Wait did I just say I cared about him?

"You're right. I knew someone as smart as you would be able to figure it out, but you can be dense at times." 


"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I clenched my fist as I held back tears. A frown sprouted on Ko's face.

"I didn't want you to hate me even more." He gave an excuse, but I ignored it.

"I never hated you, you know." I blushed and turned away, Ko's stare remaining stuck to me.

"What does that mean?" He pouted, which I found cute. Cute? What is wrong with me?

"A-ah! Nevermind!" I waved my hands infront of my face, "I'll ask the doctors when you'll be released." I rushed out of the room.

"I-I talked to the nurses, t-they said in 2 days. They w-were also prescribings meds." Tsumiki popped out of the corner. 

"Oh, thank goodness, I had hoped nothing bad happened. I need to say goodbye to Komaeda before we leave." I responded to Tsumiki. She nodded and I went back to the hospital room, "Hey Komaeda, me and Tsumiki are leaving. You'll be released in two days, okay?" 

"Okay." he said. For some reason his voice sounded dull as he also pulled his knees up to his chest.

While I sat on my bed in my house, I began to grow anxious about Komaeda for various reasons. He always drove my mind crazy which is why I found him interesting. With the boy on my mind, I knew I wouldn't be all to escape these next two days.

-Time skip brought to you by the months of the year song- (Am I the only one who had to sing that every week in kindergarden?)

A knock at the door could be heard from through out the house. I rushed to the door, realizing it was already the two day deadline.

"Ko!" I smiled and hugged the boy at the door. He coughed a little but slowly put his hands on my back.

"Hello again, Hinata-kun." 

Is it just me or is the story getting boring? Well I'm gonna push some gay stuff into the next chapter so hopefully it gets a little more interesting.

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