9| Trouble

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I watched as Jungkook continued to slurp as he ate his kimchi jjigae, he must really like it. I was heading to the kitchen when I heard a flash.

I looked to the window near me and saw the figure of a man with a camera.
Shoot! Someone's taking pictures of us. I was relieved that the man hadn't noticed that I saw him so I decided to call Jungkook's attention.

"Psst! Bunny teeth! Get over here!", I said and he looked at me with an annoyed face and said "Can't you see I'm trying to eat? Don't disturb me when I'm eating."

"Well if you don't come over here then you won't have anything to eat!", I whisper shouted and his eyes widened so he hesitantly left his bowl of food and went next to me and whispered, "What could you possibly want? And why are we whispering?!"

I pointed to him the man with a camera just outside the window, looking at his photos. Jungkook's eyes widened and he whispered to me, "Those pictures cannot be released."

"So, what's the plan?", he said right after and I immediately said, "Exit fromnthe backyard then sneak up to him and slightly hit his head to make him faint, then hold him hostage until he tells us where he came from when he's conscious."

"Sounds illegal but sounds very effective, now lets go", he said and I nodded and grabbed a frying pan with me and we went outside the house through the back door.

I held my breath when I finally saw the man and Jungkook whispered to me, "What are you waiting for?? Go bash him in the head."

I let out a small, wimpy, war cry and hit the man's head making him faint and drop his camera.

Jungkook then said, "I was about to cheer you on, then I remembered how pathetic your war cry sounded."

I pouted and he just shrugged. I turned the man over to see his face and U couldn't believe what I saw.

"OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK I JUST HIT YOUNGJAE OF GOT7 IN THE HEAD", I said and Jungkook look confused and said, "What are you talking abou-."

His words were cut short when he saw the man's face.

"Oh my god, it is Youngjae", Jungkook said as he covered his mouth in dismay, "What the heck is he doing here?"

"I have no clue but we gotta get him in and make sure that he still wakes up", I said.

Jungkook picked up Youngjae as if he was as light as a feather and brought him in the house. I followed closely behind as Jungkook laid Youngjae's body on a couch.

2 hours later

Two hours passed and I was pretty much losing my head.
I shook Jungkook vigorously and said, "Jungkoook, what if he never wakes up, I can't be arrested, MY REPUTATION!"

"First of all, I never told you to kill the guy", Jungkook said.

"You're not helping-," I said but he cut me off and said, "And second of all, why do you only care about your reputation, if ever something happened to Youngjae, shouldn't you be worried about his welfare?"

I groaned and rolled my eyes at Jungkook then I sat on the couch
next to Youngjae.

One hour later.....

"Thank god, he's finally awake", I said as I saw his eyes flutter open.

"Yeah you should be thankful cause if he didn't wake up, you'd be going to jail", Jungkook said.

"Can you shut your gaping mouth", I said and before I could say anything more, a loud scream pierced our ears and we saw Youngjae screaming at the top of his lungs as he looked at us.

I quickly covered his mouth and said, "Youngjae shut up!"

He still continued to scream and Jungkook gestured me to stop covering his mouth so I did and as soon as I uncoverex his mouth, Youngjae shouted at the top of his lungs, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE CHEATING ON JACKSON WITH YOUR EX JEON JUNGKOOK!"

"It's a little more complicated than what you think of it to be", Jungkook said and Youngjae shouted, "SHUT UP! You both are snakes! How could you do this to Jackson YUNA! AND WITH HIM! YOU'RE A WHO-."

I immediately slapped him before he could finish what he was saying and he was dumbstruck and I said, "That is enough, I am not cheating on Jackson!"

"THEN WHY'D YOU KISS HIM IN THE AIRPORT!", Youngjae said and Jungkook grabbed Youngjae's shoulders and said, "Can you just shut up and let the woman talk."

Youngjae, clearly intimidated by the size of Jungkook, hesitatingly nodded and kept his mouth shut.

"Look, remember when me and this man baby were in a show called We got Married", I said and Youngjae nodded and Jungkook said, "I am not a man bab-."

I put a finger over his mouth and said, "We can argue later."

Jungkook sighed in frustration and I turned my attention back to Youngjae and said, "So here's the thing, that stupid show didn't inform us that we actually signed legal and official documents of marriage and we're here in Jeju trying to get a divorce that is not in court so that our current fiancés don't find out."

"If you dont like him, then why'd you kiss him in the airport?," Youngjae asked and I said, "Well we were trying to get you off our track by not showing our faces but clearly you still followed us."

"Anyways, why did you follow us?", Jungkook asked.

"You guys looked familiar and I suspected that those people are you and Jungkook, so I took a picture and sent it to Jackson", he said, "He saw it and he was furious and told me to go follow the two of you and see if it's actually you and Jungkook and long behikd, I was right."

"You cannot tell Jackson, he'll break up with me" I said as I got on my knees and begged Youngjae.

"Youngjae I love him please, I just need to get this divorce done, he's my endgame and I don't know what to do if he broke up with me", I said and Youngjae sighed and said, "Fine, I'll just text him that I was mistaken and that it was just some random couple who lives in Jeju."

I immediately hugged Youngjae and said, "Thank you so much Youngjae, you're the best."

"Yeah whatever, you two better get this done cause I don't want my friend to be sad", he said then he took a cap from his bag and put it on to cover his bruise on his head.

"Ok, I'm gonna head out", he said, "Good luck with the divorce."

He leaves his camera with us and I watch as he closes the door.

I sigh into the couch and Jungkook sits beside me and he said, "He's right, we really got to get this done."

"But it's so miserable, being stuck in this house, pretending to be completely over each other when a government worker comes", I said, "It's draining I want my life back with him, I want to be with him, I'm so frustrated because before I left, we didn't have the chance to make up after having an argument."

I clenched my fists and I sighed in frustration. A tear fell and Jungkook immediately wiped it with his thumb and said, "I'm sorry if I'm making things harder for you."

I didn't say a word because he was right. It was so much harder when I was around him. I thought I hated him but I didn't.

How could I hate that stupid bunny smile.

Jungkook pulled me into a hug and brushed my hair with his fingers. He knew it was the best way to comfort me.

He then faintly said, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

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